Article 11 - General Provisions
- § 20 AAC 15.910 - Applicability of general provisions
- § 20 AAC 15.915 - Complaints and appeals
- § 20 AAC 15.920 - Medical cancellations
- § 20 AAC 15.922 - Institutional eligibility to participate in Alaska education loan programs
- § 20 AAC 15.924 - Loan audit and institutional sanctions
- § 20 AAC 15.925 - Default rates of students who attended an institution
- § 20 AAC 15.927 - Default rate reduction requirements
- § 20 AAC 15.930 - Applications
- § 20 AAC 15.935 - Computation of authorized loan awards
- § 20 AAC 15.940 - Limitations on awarding loans
- § 20 AAC 15.945 - Conditions and limitations of loans
- § 20 AAC 15.950 - Disbursement and handling of loan awards
- § 20 AAC 15.955 - Refunds
- § 20 AAC 15.960 - Repayment of loans
- § 20 AAC 15.965 - Deferment of payments
- § 20 AAC 15.966 - Loan forbearance and alternative repayment options
- § 20 AAC 15.970 - Delinquency and default
- § 20 AAC 15.972 - Income withholding; employer's transmittal of money to agency
- § 20 AAC 15.975 - Collection costs
- § 20 AAC 15.980 - Loan origination fee (Repealed)
- § 20 AAC 15.988 - Relationship of borrower and cosigner
- § 20 AAC 15.990 - Definitions
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.