Chapter 60 - Pre-Elementary (Early Childhood) School
- § 4 AAC 60.010 - Applicability
- § 4 AAC 60.020 - Exemptions
- § 4 AAC 60.030 - Application for a certificate of approval (Repealed)
- § 4 AAC 60.035 - [Repealed]
- § 4 AAC 60.036 - Initial application, renewal of approval, and assurances regarding programmatic requirements
- § 4 AAC 60.037 - Transition (Repealed)
- § 4 AAC 60.039 - Monitoring, recordkeeping, and inspections
- § 4 AAC 60.040 - Denial of approval; appeal
- § 4 AAC 60.050 - Duration of approval (Repealed)
- § 4 AAC 60.060 - Display of certificate (Repealed)
- § 4 AAC 60.070 - Certificate of approval (Repealed)
- § 4 AAC 60.080 - Insurance (Repealed)
- § 4 AAC 60.090 - Records (Repealed)
- § 4 AAC 60.100 - Physical examination for children (Repealed)
- § 4 AAC 60.110 - Physical examinations for employees and volunteers (Repealed)
- § 4 AAC 60.115 - Staff (Repealed)
- § 4 AAC 60.120 - Recognition of special needs (Repealed)
- § 4 AAC 60.130 - Disaster plan (Repealed)
- § 4 AAC 60.140 - Facility inspections (Repealed)
- § 4 AAC 60.150 - Changes in major written policies, plans, programs (Repealed)
- § 4 AAC 60.160 - Nondiscrimination (Repealed)
- § 4 AAC 60.170 - Programmatic requirements for pre-elementary schools
- § 4 AAC 60.175 - Transportation (Repealed)
- § 4 AAC 60.180 - Definitions (Repealed)
- § 4 AAC 60.190 - High quality early education program standards
- § 4 AAC 60.195 - District accountability; revocation of approval of district-wide early education program
- § 4 AAC 60.200 - District-wide early education program grants; applications; duration; award determinations
- § 4 AAC 60.205 - District-wide early education program grant recipient obligations
- § 4 AAC 60.210 - Criteria for inclusion of district-wide early education program students within a district's ADM
- § 4 AAC 60.990 - Definitions
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.