Ariz. Admin. Code § R12-4-607 - Proceedings for License Revocation, Suspension, or Denial of Right to Obtain a License, and Civil Damages

A. The Director may commence a proceeding for the Commission to revoke, suspend or deny a license under A.R.S. §§ 17-236, 17-238, 17-334, 17-340, 17-362, 17-363, and 17-364. The Director may also commence a proceeding for the Commission to impose a civil penalty under A.R.S. § 17-314.
B. The Commission shall conduct a hearing concerning revocation, suspension, or denial of the right to obtain a license in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, A.R.S. Title 41, Chapter 6, Article 10. In a proceeding conducted under A.R.S. § 17-340, a respondent shall limit testimony to facts that show why the license should not be revoked or denied. Because the Commission does not have the authority to consider or change the conviction, a respondent is not permitted to raise this issue in the proceeding. The Commission shall permit a respondent to offer testimony or evidence relevant to the Commission's decision to impose a civil penalty or order a civil action for the recovery of wildlife parts.
C. If a respondent does not appear for a hearing on the date scheduled, at the time and location noticed, no further opportunity to be heard shall be provided, unless a rehearing or review is granted under R12-4-608. If the respondent does not wish to attend the hearing, the respondent may submit written testimony to the Department before the hearing date designated in the Notice of Hearing. The Commission shall ensure that written testimony received at the time of the hearing is read into the record at the hearing.
D. The Commission shall base its decision on the officer's case report, a summary prepared by the Department, a certified copy of the court record, and any testimony presented at the hearing. The Department shall supply the respondent with a copy of each document provided to the Commission for use in reaching a decision.
E. Any party may apply to the Commission for issuance of a subpoena to compel the appearance of any witness or the production of documents at any Commission hearing. No less than 10 calendar days before the hearing, the party shall file a written application that provides the name and address of the witness, the subject matter of the expected testimony, the documents sought to be produced, and the date, time, and place of the hearing. The Commission Chair has the authority to issue the subpoenas.
1. A party shall have a subpoena served as prescribed in the Arizona Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 45. An employee of the Department may serve a subpoena at the request of the Commission Chair.
2. A party may request that a subpoena be amended at any time before the deadline provided in this Section for filing the application. The party shall have the amended subpoena served as provided in subsection (E)(1).
F. The Commission may vote to use the services of the office of administrative hearings to conduct a hearing concerning revocation, suspension, or denial of the right to obtain a license and to make a recommendation to the Commission, which shall review and accept, reject or modify the recommendation and issue its decision in an open meeting. When the Department receives a recommendation from the administrative law judge at least 30 days prior to the next regularly scheduled Commission meeting, the Department shall place the recommendation on the agenda for that meeting. A recommendation from the administrative law judge received after this time shall be considered at the next regularly scheduled open meeting.
F. G. A license revoked by the Commission is suspended on the date of the hearing and revoked upon issuance of the findings of fact, conclusions of law, and order. If a respondent appeals the Commission's order revoking a license, the license is revoked after all appeals have been exhausted. A denial of the right to obtain a license is effective for a period determined by the Commission as authorized under A.R.S. § 17-340, beginning on the date of the hearing.
G. H. A license suspended by the Commission is suspended on the date of the hearing, and suspended upon issuance of the findings of fact, conclusions of law, and order. If a respondent appeals the Commission's order suspending a license, the license is suspended after all appeals have been exhausted. The suspension of a license is effective for a period determined by the Commission as authorized under A.R.S. § 17-340, beginning on the date of the hearing.


Ariz. Admin. Code § R12-4-607
Adopted effective June 13, 1977 (Supp. 77-3). Former Section R12-4-14 renumbered as Section R12-4-115 without change effective August 13, 1981 (Supp. 81-4). Former Section R12-4-115 renumbered without change as Section R12-4-607 effective December 22, 1987 (Supp. 87-4). Amended effective November 10, 1997 (Supp. 97-4). Amended by final rulemaking at 10 A.A.R. 2245, effective July 6, 2004 (Supp. 04-2). Amended and renumbered from R12-4-606 by final expedited rulemaking at 24 A.A.R. 393, effective 2/6/2018.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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