Ariz. Admin. Code § R6-6-1109 - Notification Requirements

A. The licensee shall notify the Division of the following events:
1. Prior to building an addition to the home or structural remodeling of the home, or adding a swimming pool or spa, and shall cooperate with the Division in obtaining an Arizona Department of Health Services inspection as prescribed in A.R.S. § 8-504 for any home additions.
2. Changes in marital status or living arrangement of the licensee.
3. A plan to make a change in residence.
4. Known arrests, indictments, or convictions of any house hold member or of persons living on the premises.
5. Serious injury, major illness, illegal substance use or substance abuse, suicidal behavior, attempted suicide, or death of any household member. The Division may require the licensee to provide written documentation from a physician regarding the change in medical status.
6. Changes which may impact on the ability of the licensee to meet the needs of the client.
7. Notification shall be made to the Division prior to the addition of a household member.
8. A temporary visitor staying more than one month.
9. The licensee shall notify the Division prior to a change in primary caregiver or a person moving from the household who contributed to the care of the client.
B. For adults placed by the Division in the licensee's home, the licensee shall notify the Division of incidents including but not limited to:
1. Possible abuse or neglect as per A.R.S. § 13-3620 and R6-6-1601.
2. Hospitalizations, the intervention of a medical practitioner, or emergency medical care as a result of serious illness, injury, medication errors, or suicidal behavior.
3. Death of the client.
4. A client missing. A client missing must be reported to law enforcement officials and the Division as soon as the client is determined to be missing.
5. Theft of money or property.
6. Incidents which have involved or may potentially involve the police or media.
7. Significant damage to client property, licensee property, state property, or the property of others.
8. Illegal substance use or substance abuse.
C. The licensee shall obtain Division prior approval for alternative supervision plans.
1. The licensee shall involve the client in the development of alternative supervision plans.
2. The licensee shall ensure that alternative supervision is only provided by persons 18 years of age or older.


Ariz. Admin. Code § R6-6-1109
Adopted effective August 30, 1994, under an exemption from the provisions of A.R.S. Title 41, Chapter 6 (Supp. 94-3).

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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