* The term "Licensed Beds" means the bed count as reflected on
the current license issued by the Department of Human Services, Office of
Long-Term Care.
* The term "Beds in Transition" means beds that originate from a
licensed facility and are being transferred or moved to a new, existing or
replacement facility in a different county and are awaiting final licensing of
new construction. For purposes of projected need and the awarding of additional
beds, the Beds in Transition shall not be considered licensed beds in the
county into which they are being moved until the beds become licensed in that
A. Population Based
Methodology calculates the projected nursing facility bed need using estimated
population data for four age groups (see below) for a service area (county).
Need is projected five years forward using the most recent census data
available from the UALR Institute of Economic Advancement and is reflected in
the current published Bed Need Book.
Below 65
65 to 74
75 to 84
85 and above
Occupancy Requirement. In order to qualify for issuance of a Permit of Approval
for additional beds in the county under the Population Based Need Methodology,
counties which have a projected net "need" under this section must have had an
average overall occupancy of at least 93% for the most recently available
occupancy as reported by DHS and as reflected in the current quarterly
published Bed Need Book.
A. Regardless of projected
Need in a county, nursing facilities may acquire up to 25 additional beds if
the applicant Nursing Facility:
1. Averaged
90.0% or greater occupancy according to the most recent 12 month census data
available from DHS for at least four (4) months of the last six (6) month
period; and
2. currently has no
Approved but Unlicensed Beds; and
3. proposes to acquire beds from a facility
that averaged 70% or less occupancy for the previous 12 month period according
to the most recent 12 month occupancy data available from Dept. of Human
Services as reflected in the most current published Bed Need Book;
4. has not acquired beds
pursuant to this Subsection
II. A. in the previous 12 month
Once relocated and licensed to the acquiring facility, beds may
not be transferred back or returned to the original facility unless all the
requirements of this section Part
II. A. are
Nursing homes with less than 60 licensed beds could be approved to expand to 70
beds, if the facility:
1. averaged 90.0% or
greater occupancy according to the most recently available census as reported
by DHS for at least four (4) months of the last six (6) month period;
2. is located in a county
without a Population Based "need"; and
3. proposes to acquire beds from a facility
that averaged less than 70% occupancy for the previous 12-month period
according to the most recent 12-month census data available from Department of
Human Services and as reflected in the current quarterly published Bed Need
4. Is not located in a county
where the number of approved but unlicensed beds equals 10% or more of the
county's licensed beds in the previous 12 month period,
C. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions
of this section
II but subject to section
V. 4. and 5._herein, and subject
to commission approval, an existing facility may relocate beds within the
county where the facility is located. In doing so, the facility may either move
all or some of its existing beds or the facility may acquire and move beds from
another facility located within the same county.
A. Qualified applicants would be
applicants who propose to replace an entire existing licensed facility with
"new construction." Existing licensed nursing facilities are eligible for
replacement without respect to the need methodology.
As used in this methodology, "new construction" means the
replacement of an entire facility with a newly constructed facility.
This relocation of existing beds for purposes of "adding on" to
an existing facility, irrespective of whether the "add on" is new construction,
does not qualify for approval under this Section III.
B. Regardless of county "need" and
occupancy,_Applicants may be approved for up to a 20% increase of their present
licensed capacity when replacing a facility under this Subsection, with the
resultant effect of transferring all residents to the replacement facility and
closing the original licensed facility for business as a Nursing Facility. The
Applicant must acquire the additional beds from a facility that averaged less
than 70% occupancy for the previous 12-month period according to the most
recent 12-month occupancy data available from Department of Human Services as
reflected in the current quarterly published Bed Need Book. Applicants may
contemporaneously apply to transfer existing licensed beds within the same
county to be licensed in the replacement facility but such increase in beds by
transfer shall not impact the calculation of 20% increase of existing licensed
beds in the Applicant facility.
Qualified applicants cannot combine any criteria to increase existing licensure
by more than 20% except in the case of facilities expanding up to 70 beds. This
does not affect applicants which qualify for approval under I.A.I, of this
D. Qualified
applicants may move to another county or counties if:
1. the Applicant's current beds are located
where "existing" (i.e. licensed and approved) beds exceed the projected county
need by 100 or more beds;
2. the
number of beds being moved does not exceed the projected net need of the county
(or counties) to which the beds are being moved and;
3. the moved beds are used for "new
construction" and
4. the occupancy
for the county to which the facility or beds are being moved has had an average
overall occupancy of 93% or more for the most recently available occupancy as
reported by the quarterly published Bed Need Book.
A. In
any one Review Cycle, for all applications submitted under Section
II of this methodology, only two
(2) applications may be approved for each county.
B. In any one Review Cycle, for all the
applications submitted under Section
III of this methodology, only two
(2) applications may be approved for each county.
C. When making a decision on applications
submitted for the same county in the same review cycle, additional beds
available (according to the county's projected net need) will be awarded in the
following ranked order:
1. Beds available
shall first be allocated to applicants who propose to add beds to an existing
licensed facility whose facility had a 96.0% average occupancy rate or greater
for the most recently available occupancy as reported by DHS and as reflected
in the currently quarterly published Bed Need Book, provided all requirements
for approval of the application(s) are met.
Maximum Beds awarded pursuant to this first priority shall be
either a number of beds equivalent of up to a 10% increase in the facility's
existing number of licensed beds or 10 beds, whichever is greater.
2. Beds available shall next be
allocated to applicants who propose to add beds to an existing licensed
facility under Utilization Review, Section
II, provided all requirements,
for approval of the application(s) are met.
Beds awarded pursuant to this second priority shall be either a
number of beds equivalent of up to a 10% increase in the facility's existing
number of licensed beds or 10 beds, whichever is greater. This paragraph (2) is
not intended to require a county to have a projected net need to qualify for a
Section II increase but rather is
intended to ensure that if there is an increase approved in that Review Cycle,
the additional beds awarded will be deducted from any projected net need before
any other application with lesser priority is approved;
3. Remaining beds available shall next be
allocated to applicants who propose to replace facilities pursuant to Section
III, the Replacement methodology,
who are eligible for a 20% increase in their licensed capacity; this paragraph
(3) is not intended to require a county to have a projected net need to qualify
for a Section
III20 % increase
but rather is intended to ensure that if there is a 20% increase approved in
that Review Cycle, the additional beds awarded will be deducted from any
projected net need before any other application with lesser priority is
4. Remaining available
beds shall next be allocated to applicants who have an existing facility with
less than 70 beds who are proposing to expand to 70 beds. These applicants may
be approved for a number of additional beds necessary to enable them to expand
to 70 beds. However, if these applicants have less than 70 beds and more than
60 licensed beds they may be approved for up to a 10 bed increase.
5. Remaining beds available shall next be
allocated to applicants proposing to construct a new facility which the Agency
finds meet all criteria for approval.
A. An application for a Permit of Approval
under the HSC Regulation 100M Nursing Home Methodology will be denied if it:
1. does not agree to eliminate all three (3)
or more bed units in the applicant facility. A facility may have three (3) or
more beds units only in order to comply with specific regulations for intensive
care, Alzheimer's disease, and/or sub-acute care units (pertinent regulations
to be promulgated by the Department of Human Services, Office of Long-Term
2. is for an applicant home
with current life threatening compliance issues that could not be corrected by
the proposed construction, or
3. is
for any nursing home found to have had an H level deficiency or higher by the
Office of Long Term Care in the twelve (12) months preceding the date the
application is placed under review or from the date the application is placed
under review until the final decision of the Commission. This section is
intended to prohibit the expansion of existing facilities with a history of
serious non-compliance. This section, however, shall not apply to applicants
under Section
III who are replacing older
facilities, or who are correcting the noted deficiency.
4. will cause a facility to exceed 140 beds,
5. will create a facility with
fewer than 70 beds
6. would create
an under-served area. The Commission will make this determination.
7. is located in a county where the number of
Approved but Unlicensed beds, including Beds in Transition, equals 10% or more
of the county's licensed beds in the previous state fiscal year. e.g. if in
1997 County "A" had 140 licensed beds with a 28 bed approval then the
facilities in County "A" would not be eligible for additional beds under either
the Population Based or Utilization Based methodology. The rationale is that an
increase in beds would have affected occupancy.
B. An application for a POA will be denied if
the owner/operator, or the majority of its controlling individuals, applying
for a Permit of Approval has abandoned one or more long-term facilities either
in Arkansas or in another state.
The Agency may consider an applicant's compliance and enforcement history in
determining whether to grant a Permit of Approval.
D. Occupancy data on Medicaid certified
facilities will be based on the report supplied by the Department of Human
Services, Division of Medical Services to the Health Services Permit Agency.
Occupancy data on facilities that did not report to the Department of Human
Services, Office of Long-Term Care will be based on the survey conducted by the
Health Services Permit Agency. (Non-reporting facilities include facilities
without Medicaid beds and those facilities which changed ownership during the
previous calendar year.)