Commercial Production Swine: Those swine that are
continuously managed and have adequate facilities and practices to prevent
exposure to either transitional production or feral swine.
Transitional Production Swine: Those feral swine
that are captive or swine that have reasonable opportunities to be exposed to
feral swine.
Feral or Wild Swine: Those swine that are free
All swine herds are transitional production swine herds unless a
management plan has been submitted and approved by the Arkansas Livestock and
Poultry Commission. The management plan must adequately address the separation
and control of the potential interface of feral and transitional production
swine with the commercial production swine. Plan Requirements:
A. Submit management plans to the Arkansas
Livestock and Poultry Commission within 90 days after the effective date of
regulation, requesting the date you wish to be designated as a commercial swine
B. Amendments to plans as
a result of operational changes, etc. must be submitted to the Commission for
approval as they occur.
Commission will forward written approvals or disapprovals to plans within ten
(10) working days after receipt.
Plan approvals will remain in effect as long as swine herd(s) continue to meet
the requirements of commercial production operations.
Breeding Swine
All breeding swine imported into Arkansas not under the authority
of a commuter swine agreement must have an official premise identification, be
individually identified, and accompanied by a certificate of veterinary
inspection and permit number. Pseudorabies vaccinates may not enter. Testing
requirements of all breeding swine not under the authority of a commuter swine
agreement are as follows:
Brucellosis - All animals over six months of age
must be tested negative within thirty (30) days prior to shipment; or originate
directly from the farm of origin of a validated free herd; or originate
directly from the farm of origin of a brucellosis free state.
Pseudorabies - All ages must be tested negative
within thirty (30) days prior to shipment; or originate directly from the farm
of origin of a pseudorabies qualified herd; or originate directly from the farm
of origin of a Stage IV or V state.
Retest Provisions - All breeding swine will be
quarantined for a thirty to sixty (30-60) day retest for brucellosis and
pseudorabies at owner's expense. Exceptions to the retest provisions are as
1) Swine intended to be added
to a qualified pseudorabies negative herd coming directly from another
qualified pseudorabies negative herd may be added without isolation or testing,
provided they are included as part of the herd during the next regular herd
test to maintain qualified pseudorabies negative status.
2) Swine intended to be added to a qualified
pseudorabies negative herd from another qualified pseudorabies negative herd,
but with interim contact with swine other than those from a single qualified
pseudorabies negative herd, shall:
* be isolated until the swine have been found negative to an
official pseudorabies serologic test, conducted not less than thirty (30) days,
nor more than sixty (60) days after arrival; or
* develop a written agreement for a random sampling approved by
the Livestock and Poultry Commission, utilizing official pseudorabies serologic
tests which provide a ninety-five percent (95%) probability of detecting
infection in a herd in which at least ten percent (10%) of the swine are
seropositive for pseudorabies. Each segregated group of swine on an individual
premise or those originating from segregated individual sources must be
considered a separate herd and individually sampled as follows:
Less than 100 head - test 25
100-200 head - test 27
201-999 head - test 28
1,000 and over - test 29
Feeder Pigs
All feeder pigs not under the authority of a commuter swine
agreement being imported into the state must have an official premise
identification, be individually identified, be accompanied by a certificate of
veterinary inspection, and have a permit number. Pseudorabies vaccinates may
not enter. Testing requirements and allowable movements of all feeder pigs not
under the authority of a commuter swine agreement are as follows:
1) Direct shipment from a farm of origin or a
market in a Stage IV or V state/area;
2) Direct shipment from a qualified
pseudorabies negative herd; or
Into Stage IV states from Stage III states/areas or from feeder pig monitored
herds in Stage II states when the following conditions are met:
a. That the swine enter on permit directly to
a designated feedlot and not through an all-class market;
b. that the swine originate from an approved
feeder-pig market or direct from a qualified-negative (QN) herd, or feeder-pig
monitored (FPM) herd;
c. that the
swine be quarantined to slaughter only;
d. that the designated feedlot has no
breeding swine on the premises and no breeding herds within two (2)
e. that the feeding herd
must be a part of the feeder-pig surveillance system required for Stage IV with
testing of a sample of pigs from the feedlot, using the official random-sample
test (95/10), and that the test be conducted in each such feedlot at least
every six (6) months, and at owner expense. Sampling rate for 95/10 is:
Less than 100 head - test 25
100-200 head - test 27
201-999 head - test 28
1,000 and over - test 29
Feral Swine
Feral swine may not enter into Arkansas until they have become
Entry for sale at Arkansas Market:
All swine entering Arkansas for sale at an Arkansas market shall be identified
by an official premise identification and
be tested negative for pseudorabies and brucellosis within thirty (30) days
prior to sale;
b. or originate
directly from a qualified-validated commercial production swine herd;
c. or originate directly from a
feeder-pig-monitored commercial production swine herd;
d. or meet the requirements for an Arkansas
Surveyed Herd.
2) Any
swine entering Arkansas for sale at an Arkansas market that do not meet these
requirements shall be:
a. individually
b. isolated from all
tested swine;
c. tested at the
market at the owner's (seller's) expense;
d. and sold for slaughter only at the end of
the sale.
A. All swine undergoing a change of ownership
or lease must be identified with an official premise identification by official
eartag, tattoo, or other approved device prior to change of ownership or
B. All breeding swine sold
within the state must be tested negative for pseudorabies and brucellosis
within thirty (30) days of sale, or originate from a qualified-validated
commercial production swine herd. Breeding swine purchased and sampled at
Arkansas markets will be quarantined to purchaser's premise until results of
tests are known, or they may be quarantined to a feeding floor until slaughter.
It is recommended that all swine purchased for breeding purposes be retested
thirty to sixty (30-60) days after movement.
C. General requirements for change of
1) All swine forty (40) pounds or
over entering a market must be identified with a premise identification on an
official eartag or other approved device prior to unloading.
2) Eartags or other approved devices which
contain a premise identification may be removed only at slaughter.
3) An Arkansas Surveyed Herd shall, based on
an epidemiological risk assessment, be tested negative a maximum of once
quarterly and a minimum of at least once yearly for pseudorabies and
brucellosis at a rate of:
* If less than thirty (30) pigs, test all;
* If more than thirty (30) pigs, test a minimum of thirty (30)
4) All swine sold or
leased within the state shall be tested negative for pseudorabies and
brucellosis within thirty (30) days prior to sale, or originate directly from a
qualified-validated herd, or originate directly from a feeder-pig-monitored
herd, or have met the requirements for an Arkansas Surveyed Herd.
5) Any swine originating from an Arkansas
farm entering a market for sale that do not meet these requirements shall be
individually identified and quarantined to the farm of origin until the
requirements for an Arkansas Surveyed Herd are met.
6) The State Veterinarian or designated
epidemiologist may modify any testing rates based on epidemiological, safety,
or disease status factors.
7) All
testing for change of ownership, including Arkansas Surveyed Herds, may be done
at the owner's expense by a private veterinary practitioner or by an agent of
the State Veterinarian. It is the responsibility of both the seller and
purchaser to see that the test is done.
8) The auction market or dealer shall
maintain identification of all animals in each consignment sufficient to
determine the herd of origin and the buyer(s) for all swine within the
consignment. The market or dealer shall ensure that each consignment meets the
testing requirements prior to release of any portion of the consignment from
the premises of the market. Auction markets shall maintain records of all
movements of swine going back to the farm to include identification numbers,
number and kind, buyer and seller and their complete addresses.
9) Feeding swine sold directly to slaughter
from the farm of origin shall be exempt from testing requirements if under the
authority of a slaughter sale agreement approved by the State
Testing and Handling of Quarantined
and Other Epidemiologically Exposed Herds
The herd of origin of any pseudorabies or brucellosis reactors
shall be immediately quarantined by handing the quarantine directly to the
owner or by registered return receipt mail and shall be required to test within
twenty-one (21) days of being quarantined. All swine in herds adjacent to the
herd of origin that are within a two-(2) mile radius of the herd shall be
quarantined. All trace-forward recipient herds and all source herds shall also
be quarantined based on epidemiological potential of infection. Each
quarantined herd shall remain under quarantine until depopulated, or until
negative test results are confirmed on all remaining animals in each herd.
Release tests for all adjacent herds shall be performed at least thirty days
after the reactors are removed from the herd of origin. All pseudorabies
reactor herds shall be required to castrate all boars remaining in the herd and
shall have a maximum of one-hundred-eighty (180) days to sell out for slaughter
or undergo a mandatory depopulation. All swine brucellosis reactor herds shall
be immediately depopulated. Any farm of origin of any depopulated herd or
sell-out as the result of these diseases shall be disinfected and must remain
free of swine for a minimum of thirty (30) days or up to a maximum of six
months based on an epidemiological risk assessment before repopulating.
Feral Swine
1) Feral Swine Testing - Any captured feral
swine shall be deemed to have undergone a change of ownership upon capture and
shall meet the same identification and testing requirements prescribed for
domestic breeding swine, as defined in Section
2 "In-state requirements" (parts A and B),
on change of ownership for any subsequent movement. It shall be both the
seller's (or captor's) responsibility and the purchaser's (or releaser's)
responsibility to see that testing requirements are met.
a) Any domestic or feral swine to be released
into a zoological or hunting area shall also be classified as feral swine and
shall undergo feral swine testing prior to release.
b) Feral swine may be reclassified as
domestic swine by a negative official pseudorabies and brucellosis test
conducted after at least sixty (60) days' confinement separate and apart from
any infected or free-roaming swine.
2) The State Veterinarian or designated
epidemiologist may modify any testing rates on feral swine based on
epidemiological, safety, or disease status factors.
3) Feral swine slaughter holding facility -
pen or pens approved by the Commission to hold feral swine from the time they
are trapped until they are moved to slaughter. Written approval of the facility
may be given after an inspection by Commission personnel that finds it meets
the following criteria:
a) There are no
commercial or transitional production swine within two (2) miles of the
proposed facility;
b) The facility
is double fenced with hog-proof fencing with two fences being at least four
feet apart and no animals kept in the space between;
c) Only feral swine being held for slaughter
will be placed in the facility;
Swine will be moved from the facility only to go directly to
e) Records will be
maintained to include the number of swine placed in and removed from the
facility, dates they were placed or removed, ranches where they were trapped,
and the slaughter facility to which they were hauled;
f) The approval of a feral swine slaughter
holding facility will continue until a request to cancel it is received from
the owner or until an inspection by Commission personnel reveals a violation of
these requirements.
Subsequent to Capture
1) Feral swine
may be moved from the premise where they were trapped to a game preserve,
provided they are negative to an official test for brucellosis and pseudorabies
within thirty (30) days prior to movement and a second negative test for
brucellosis and pseudorabies after sixty (60) days of confinement and isolation
prior to release; or
2) Moved
directly from the premise where they were trapped to a slaughter facility;
3) Moved directly from the
premise where they were trapped to a livestock market for sale only to
slaughter. Feral swine delivered to a livestock market shall be penned in
isolation under quarantine until moving directly to slaughter from the market
accompanied by a VS 1-27 Permit; or
4) Moved directly from the premise where they
were trapped to a feral swine slaughter holding facility.
5) Feral swine may not be moved into Arkansas
until they have become domesticated.