Agency 088 - Arkansas Teacher Retirement System
- Rule 088.00.05-003 - Conditions Under Which a Retirant May Return to Covered Service Without Rescinding Retirement (10-2-1)
- Rule 088.00.05-004 - Policy No. 0-1: Organization and Operation ; Removal of Policy Nos. 1-1 thru 1-15: Governance, Policy Nos. 2-1 thru 2-4: Perspectives/Ends, and Policy Nos. 3-1 thru 3-11: Executive Director Constraints and Executive Director Relationship with the Board
- Rule 088.00.05-005 - Policy No. 10-2: Conditions Under Which a Retirant May Return to Covered Service Other than by Rescinding Retirement
- Rule 088.00.06-001 - Rule No. 9-1: Age and Service "Voluntary" -- Retirement H - Annuity Options; Rule No. 11-1: Survivor Benefits; Rule 11-2: Lump-Sum Death Benefit
- Rule 088.00.07-001 - Rule No. 7-4 -- Employee Contribution Rate; Rule No. 8-4 -- Direct Rollovers Eligibility
- Rule 088.00.07-002 - Rule No. 0-1 -- Rules of Organization; Rule No. 4-1 -- Board Composition; Rule No. 4-2 -- Election Procedures; Rule No. 4-3 -- Schedule of Elections
- Rule 088.00.07-003 - Rule # 6-1 -- Rules of Membership; Rule # 6-1A -- Contributory/Noncontributory Service; Rule # 6-2 -- Reciprocity; Rule # 6-9 -- Erroneous Membership; Rule # 6-11 -- Confidentiality of Members Accounts
- Rule 088.00.07-004 - Rule # 11-1 -- Survivor Benifits; and Rule # 11-2 -- Lump-Sum Death Benifit
- Rule 088.00.07-005 - Rules Nos. 8-1 - Definitions Concerning Pruchase of Service Credits; 8-3 - Repayment of Refunds; 8-7 - Free Military Service; 8-10 - Purchase of Additional Contributions; 8-11 - Purchase of Noncontributory Service as Contributory; 8-13 - Purchase of National Guard Service; 8-14 - Purchase of Out-of-State Service; 8-15 - Purchase of Overseas Service; 8-17 - Purchase of Private School Service
- Rule 088.00.07-006 - Rules Nos. 9-1 - Age and Service (Voluntary) Retirement; 9-4 - Deferred Retirement; 9-6 - Annuity Options & Disposition of Residue after Retirement; 10-1 - Rescinding Retirement; 10-3 - Teacher Deferred Retirement Option Plan (T-DROP)
- Rule 088.00.07-007 - Rule No. 9-3 - Disability Retirement
- Rule 088.00.07-008 - Rule No. 10-2 - Return to Covered Employment
- Rule 088.00.08-001 - Rules No. 4-1: Board Composition and Elections; No. 4-2: Election Procedures for Member & Retirant Trustees; No. 4-3: Schedule for Active & Retirant Trustees Elections; No. 5-3: Asset Allocation
- Rule 088.00.08-002 - Rules No. 7-3: Reporting Member Contributions; No. 7-4: Employer Contributions; No. 8-2: Refunds of Member Contributions; No. 8-18: Purchase of Domestic Federal Service; No. 8-19: Purchase of Federal Retirement Service; No. 10-2: Retirant's Return to Covered Service
- Rule 088.00.09-001 - No. 7-1: Calculation of Final Average Salary; No. 7-2: Proof of Service Credit; No. 9-1: Age and Service (Voluntary) Retirement; No. 10-2: Employment of an ATRS Retiree by a Participating Employer; No. 11-2: Lump-Sum Death Benefit
- Rule 088.00.09-002 - Rule Nos.: 4- 1, 4-2, 4-3 - Board composition and elections; 7-3, 7-4, 9-8 - Reporting contributions and error corrections; 9-1 - Retirement/benefits definitions ; 9-3, 10-1, 11-1 - Retirement and benefits
- Rule 088.00.10-001 - Policy 8-2 -REFUNDS OF MEMBER CONTRIBUTIONS
- Rule 088.00.10-002 - Policy 10-3 - TEACHER DEFERRED RETIREMENT OPTION PLAN (T-DROP)
- Rule 088.00.11-001 - Rule Numbers: 4-2, 6-1, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5, 6-6, 6-7, 6-8, 6-12, 7-1, 7-2, 8-1, 8-2, 8-4, 8-5, 8-6, 8-7, 8-9, 8-10, 8-11, 8-12, 8-13, 8-14, 8-15, 8-16, 8-17, 8-18, 8-19, 8-20, 9-1, 9-2, 9-4, 9-6, 9-7, 9-8, 10-1, 10-3, 11-1, 11-2, 14-1
- Rule 088.00.12-001 - Rules 0-1: Organization and Operation, 7-2: Proof of Service Credit, 7-4: Reporting Employee and Employer Contributions, 8-1: Purchase of Service Credit/Repayment of Refunds, 8-2: Refund of Member Contributions, 8-3: Repayment of Refunded Member Contributions, 8-5: Purchase of Payment Rules , 8-6: Cancellation of Purchase Service Accounts, 8-8: Free Teaching Service Before 1937, 9-4: Disability Retirement, 9-7: Annuity Options and Disposition of Residue After Retirement, and 10-3: Teacher Deferred Retirement Option Plan (T-DROP)
- Rule 088.00.12-002 - Rule 1-18 : Audit Committee Charter and Rule 6-1: Membership Rules
- Rule 088.00.12-003 - Rule 11-1: Survivor Benefits
- Rule 088.00.13-001 - ARTS Rules 6-2, 6-12, 7-1, 7-3, 7-4, 8-2, 8-20, 9-2, 9-4, 9-8, 10-2, 10-3, 11-1, 11-2, 11-5, 12-1, 13-1, 15-1, 16-1, 17-1
- Rule 088.00.13-002 - Calculation of Final Average Salary (Rule 7-1)
- Rule 088.00.14-001 - Rule 10-3; Teacher Deferred Retirement Option Plan (T-Drop)
- Rule 088.00.14-002 - Rule 11-1: Survivor Benefits
- Rule 088.00.14-003 - Rule 13-1: Administration Adjudications: Staff Determinations and Appeals
- Rule 088.00.15-001 - Rule 4-1: Board of Trustees Composition and Elections
- Rule 088.00.15-002 - Rule 5-4: Investment Goals
- Rule 088.00.15-003 - Rule 5-5: Investment Strategy
- Rule 088.00.15-004 - Rule 5-6: Investment Consultants
- Rule 088.00.15-005 - Rule 8-1: Purchase of Service Credit/Repayment of Refunds
- Rule 088.00.15-006 - Rule 8-7: Free Military Service
- Rule 088.00.15-007 - Rule 9-2: Age and Service (Voluntary) Retirement
- Rule 088.00.15-008 - Rule 9-4: Disability Retirement
- Rule 088.00.15-009 - Rule 10-3: Teacher Deferred Retirement Option Plan (T-DROP)
- Rule 088.00.17-001 - Rule 6-2: Reciprocity
- Rule 088.00.17-002 - Rule 9-2: Age and Service (Voluntary) Retirement
- Rule 088.00.17-003 - Rule 9-4: Disability Retirement
- Rule 088.00.17-004 - Rule 9-8: Error Corrections and Collection of Overpayments
- Rule 088.00.17-005 - Rule 9-9: Retirement Application
- Rule 088.00.17-006 - Rule 10-3: Teacher Deferred Retirement Option Plan (T-DROP)
- Rule 088.00.17-007 - Rule 11-1 Survivor Benefits
- Rule 088.00.17-008 - Rule 13-1: Administration Adjudications: Staff Determinations and Appeals
- Rule 088.00.19-001 - Rule 4 Board of Trustees Compostion and Elections
- Rule 088.00.19-002 - Rule 7 Reporting and Eligibility
- Rule 088.00.19-003 - Rule 8 Purchases and Refunds
- Rule 088.00.19-004 - Rule 10 T-Drop and Return to Service
- Rule 088.00.19-005 - Rule 16- Cash and Savings Help (CASH) Program
- Rule 088.00.20-001 - Rule 6: Membership Rules
- Rule 088.00.20-002 - Rule 7: Reporting and Eligibility
- Rule 088.00.20-003 - Rule 8: Purchases and Refunds
- Rule 088.00.20-004 - Rule 9: Retirement and Benefits
- Rule 088.00.20-005 - Rule 10: T-DROP and Return of Service
- Rule 088.00.20-006 - Rule 11: Survivor and Domestic Relations Order
- Rule 088.00.21-001 - ATRS Rule 4- Election of Board of Trustees
- Rule 088.00.21-002 - ATRS Rule 7 Reporting and Eligibility
- Rule 088.00.21-003 - ATRS Rule 8 Purchases and Refunds
- Rule 088.00.21-004 - ATRS Rule 10 T-Drop and Return to Service
- Rule 088.00.21-005 - ATRS Rule 11 Survivors and Domestic Relations Orders
- Rule 088.00.21-006 - ATRS Rule 9 Retirement Benefits
- Rule 088.00.21-007 - ATRS Rule 6 Membership
- Rule 088.00.93-001 - Qualified Domestic Relations Orders for Active Members
- Rule 088.00.94-001 - Rules and Regulations
- Rule 088.00.96-001 - Policy Changes - Board of Trustees
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.