Title 19 - Public Safety
- Division 1 - State Fire Marshal (Chapter 1 to 16)
- Division 2 - California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (Chapter 1 to 6)
- Division 3 - Seismic Safety Commission (Article 1)
- Division 4 - California Underground Facilities Safe Excavation Board (Chapter 1 to 5)
- Division 5 - California Environment Protection Agency (Chapter 1 to 2)
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
- Division 1 - State Fire Marshal (Chapter 1 to 16)
- Division 2 - California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (Chapter 1 to 6)
- Division 3 - Seismic Safety Commission (Article 1)
- Division 4 - California Underground Facilities Safe Excavation Board (Chapter 1 to 5)
- Division 5 - California Environment Protection Agency (Chapter 1 to 2)