Division 7 - Secretary of State

  1. Chapter 1 - Voter Registration (Article 1 to 7)
  2. Chapter 2 - Statewide Voter Registration Database (Repealed), version 2 (§ 20108 to 20108.80)
  3. Chapter 2 - Risk Limiting Audits (§ 20110 to 20126)
  4. Chapter 3 - Voting Locations (Article 1)
  5. Chapter 3.5 - Early Ballot Retrieval (Article 1)
  6. Chapter 3.6 - Electronic Poll Books (§ 20150 to 20165)
  7. Chapter 3.7 - Voting Locations (Article 1)
  8. Chapter 4 - Ballot Printing (Article 1 to 9)
  9. Chapter 4.5 - Uniform Vote Counting Standards (§ 20280.1 to 20284)
  10. Chapter 4.6 - Manual Tally Standards (§ 20296 to 20307)
  11. Chapter 4.7 - One Percent Manual Tally (§ 20310 to 20315)
  12. Chapter 4.8 - Recounts (Article 1 to 2)
  13. Chapter 5 - Election Petition Signature Verification Random Sampling Verification Methodology (Article 1 to 4)
  14. Chapter 6 - Escrow of Source Codes (Article 1 to 8)
  15. Chapter 6.1 - Experimental Use of a Voting System in a Pilot Program (Article 1)
  16. Chapter 6.2 - Procedures and Standards for Reviewing Voting Systems, Parts of a Voting System, and Ballot Marking Devices for Certification or Conditional Approval (§ 20700 to 20707)
  17. Chapter 7 - Ballot Designations (§ 20710 to 20719)
  18. Chapter 8 - Notary Public (§ 20800 to 20804)
  19. Chapter 8.1 - Recounts [Renumbered] (Article 1 to 3)
  20. Chapter 8.2 - Election Observation: Rights and Responsibilities (§ 20871 to 20879)
  21. Chapter 8.3 - Petition Processing, Signature Verification, Ballot Processing, and Ballot Counting (Article 1 to 9)
  22. Chapter 8.5 - Business Entity Names (§ 21000 to 21009)
  23. Chapter 9 - Business Programs (§ 21900 to 21942)
  24. Chapter 10 - Digital Signatures (§ 22000 to 22005)
  25. Chapter 11 - Safe at Home Confidential Address Program (§ 22100 to 22130)
  26. Chapter 12 - Victims of Corporate Fraud Compensation Fund (§ 22500 to 22519)
  27. Chapter 13 - Uniform Commercial Code (Article 1 to 6)
  28. Chapter 14 - Advance Health Care Directive Registry (Article 1)
  29. Chapter 15 - Trustworthy Electronic Document or Record Preservation (§ 22620.1 to 22620.8)
  30. Chapter 16 - Political Reform (Article 1)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.