Title 13b - Transportation
- 17 - Encroachment Permit Regulations (§ 13b-17-1 to 13b-17-48 to 13b-17-99)
- 17a - Rules of Practice (§ 13b-17a-1 to 13b-17a-12)
- 17b - Department Organization and its General Course and Method of Operation (§ 13b-17b-1 to 13b-17b-11)
- 20a - Procedures for Hiring Consultants as Required by Public Act 79-53 (§ 13b-20a-1 to 13b-20a-11)
- 29 - Use of DOT Commuter Parking Facilities (§ 13b-29-1 to 13b-29-4)
- 31c - Designation of Scenic Roads (§ 13b-31c-1 to 13b-31c-5)
- 31e - Designation of Scenic Roads (§ 13b-31e-1 to 13b-31e-4)
- 34 - Bus Fares for Connecticut Transit Systems (§ 13b-34-1 to 13b-34-20 to 13b-34-3a)
- 38a - Traffic Management Plans and Programs (§ 13b-38a-1 to 13b-38a-7)
- 38b - Requirements and Standards for Rideshare Organizations' Handicapped Programs (§ 13b-38b-1 to 13b-38b-5)
- 38f(b) - Procedures for Implementing a Bus Shelter Construction Program As Required by Public Act 79-500 (§ 13b-38f(b)-1 to 13b-38f(b)-5)
- 38o - Employee Commute Option Program (§ 13b-38o-1 to 13b-38o-11)
- 50p - Complaints Concerning Aircraft Landings and Takeoffs at Unlicensed Air Navigation Facilities (§ 13b-50p-1 to 13b-50p-6)
- 96 - Taxicab Rules of Operation (§ 13b-96-1 to 13b-96-2)
- 99 - Minimum Requirements for the Inspection and Repair of Taxicabs (§ 13b-99-1 to 13b-99-8)
- 283 - Maintenance and Repair of Orphan Bridges (§ 13b-283-1 to 13b-283-9)
- 345b - Maintenance, Inspection and Testing of Railroad Grade Crossing Signal Systems and Devices (§ 13b-345b-1 to 13b-345b-7)
- 354a - Removal of Debris From Railroad Rights-of-Way (§ 13b-354a-1 to 13b-354a-4)
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.