Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 61B-45.017 - Initiation of Arbitration Proceedings; Content of Petition

(1) Initiation of arbitration proceedings shall be made by a unit owner or association filing the original petition for arbitration and one copy for each named respondent with the Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes. All petitions shall be submitted on either a completed DBPR Form ARB 6000-001, MANDATORY NON-BINDING PETITION FORM or DBPR Form ARB 6000-013, MANDATORY NONBINDING PETITION FORM FOR A TERMINATION DISPUTE, as applicable and incorporated in subsections 61B-45.001(3) and (4), F.A.C. A fee of $50.00 shall be included with each petition for arbitration. A petition which is not accompanied by this fee shall not be processed. Once a petition and the filing fee is received by the division for filing, the fee cannot be refunded.
(2) If a person other than an attorney files a petition or other pleading as a representative of a party, that person shall simultaneously file a completed DBPR Form ARB 6000-002, QUALIFIED REPRESENTATIVE APPLICATION, incorporated in subsection 61B-45.001(5), F.A.C.


Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 61B-45.017

Rulemaking Authority 718.1255, 719.1255 FS. Law Implemented 718.117(16), 718.1255, 719.1255 FS.

New 4-1-92, Amended 2-2-93, Formerly 7D-45.017, Amended 9-21-94, 12-20-95, 6-19-96, 2-17-98, Amended by Florida Register Volume 42, Number 130, July 6, 2016 effective 7/20/2016.

New 4-1-92, Amended 2-2-93, Formerly 7D-45.017, Amended 9-21-94, 12-20-95, 6-19-96, 2-17-98, 7-20-16.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.