Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 155-2-.11 - Retention of Records
(1) The State Director does not impose record retention requirements over and above those established by the State of Georgia or local governments receiving state grant funds except that financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and all other records pertinent to a grant shall be retained for a period of three years, with the following qualifications:
(a) The records shall be retained beyond the three-year period if audit findings have not been resolved;
(b) The retention period starts from the date of the submission of the final billing;
(c) Inventory records for property acquired with state grant funds shall be retained for three years after date of inventory.
(2) The local governments are authorized, if they so desire, to substitute microfilm copies in lieu of original records.
(3) The State Director, or any of his duly authorized representatives, shall have access to any books, documents, papers, and records of the local governments and their subgrantee which are pertinent to a specific grant program for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts and transcripts.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.