Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 295-9-.01 - Taking of Testimony by Deposition

(1) At anytime during the course of the proceeding, the presiding officer may, in his discretion, permit the testimony of a witness to be taken by deposition. Application to take testimony by deposition shall be made in writing and shall be filed with the Joint Secretary and served upon all parties to the proceedings, including counsel for the agency.
(2) The application shall state the name and address of the witness, the subject matter concerning which the witness is expected to testify, the date, time and place of the proposed deposition, and the reason why the witness cannot appear and testify before the agency. The presiding officer may, in his discretion, allow the application where the circumstances are such that the witness to be deposed cannot appear before the agency without substantial hardship to the deponent or to the parties to the case or that testimony by any other method will unduly delay expeditious completion of the proceedings. An application for the taking of testimony by deposition shall not be allowed if the deposition would result in any undue burden to another party or any undue delay of the proceedings. If the application is allowed, the presiding officer should give notice of the taking of the testimony by deposition to all parties.


Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 295-9-.01
Ga. L. 1931, pp. 7, 35, 37, as amended.
Original Rule was filed and effective as Emergency Rule on March 3, 1976, to remain in effect for a period of 120 days or until the adoption of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule. Amended: Permanent Rule adopted. Filed March 30, 1976; effective April 19, 1976.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.