Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 320-3-.01 - Grades of Certification for Librarians

(1) Para-Professional Certificate is classified as Grade 2.
(a) A Grade 2 Certificate is granted to a person who is a graduate of a four (4) year college of recognized standing, including or supplemented by at least twelve (12) semester hours in a planned program of library science taken at an institution approved by a state or regional accrediting agency. The twelve 912) semester hours should include courses in reference, technical services, collection development, and library management.
(b) A Grade 2 Certificate is valid for positions involving duties of a para-professional nature in a library that comes under the provisions of the certification law, provided that the work is done under the supervision of a full-time professional librarian.
(2) Librarian's Professional Graduate Certificate may be classified as Grade 5(b) or Grade 5(d).
(a) A Grade 5(b) Certificate is granted to a person who holds a master's degree in the field of librarianship from a library school whose program is accredited by the American Library Association or master's degree in library and information science from Valdosta State University received during this program's American Library Association accreditation pre-candidacy/candidacy.
(b) A Grade 5(d) Certificate is granted to a person who presents foreign credentials which satisfy the Board that he/she has attainments and abilities equivalent to those of a person who is a graduate of a library school whose program is accredited by the American Library Association, as described in paragraph (a) above, and that he/she is competent to carry on library work ably and efficiently.
(3) Librarian's Advanced Professional Graduate Certificate is classified as Grade 6.
(a) A Grade 6 Certificate is granted to a person who qualifies for a Librarian's Professional Graduate Certificate and who has completed a sixth year or more of planned graduate study in the field of librarianship from a library school whose program is accredited by the American Library Association.
(b) A Grade 6 Certificate is valid for any professional position in any library that comes under the provisions of the certificate law.
(4) Librarian's Doctoral Certificate is classified as Grade 7.
(a) A Grade 7 Certificate is granted to a person who qualifies for a Grade 5(b) Librarian's Professional Graduate Certificate and who holds an earned doctorate in the field of librarianship from a library school whose master's degree program is accredited by the American Library Association.
(b) A Grade 7 Certificate is valid for any professional position in any library that comes under the provisions of the certification law.
(5) Licensees who were issued a Grade 5(a) Librarian's Professional Certificate prior to November 1, 1982, may renew or reinstate their certificates at that grade level. Licensees who were issued a Grade 3 or Grade 5(c) certificate prior to February 18, 1988, may renew or reinstate their certificates at that grade level.


Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 320-3-.01
O.C.G.A. Sec. 43-24-5.
Original Rule entitled "Grades of Certificates for Librarians" adopted. F. Dec. 27, 1976; eff. Jan. 16, 1977. Amended: F. June 23, 1978; eff. July 13, 1978. Repealed: New Rule of same title adopted. F. Oct. 7, 1982; eff. Nov. 1, 1982, as specified by the Agency. Amended: F. July 17, 1985; eff. August 6, 1985. Repealed: New Rule of same title adopted. F. May 26, 1988; eff. June 15, 1988. Amended: F. Nov. 15, 1990; eff. Dec. 5, 1990. Amended: F. Aug. 21, 2002; eff. Sept. 10, 2002.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.