Haw. Code R. § 15-218-31 - Sale and rental of reserved housing and workforce housing units

(a) The authority may advertise the sale or rental of reserved housing and workforce housing units and qualify and select persons for reserved housing and workforce housing units. It may also permit the developer of such units, or the developer's designated representative, to be responsible for advertising, qualifying, and selecting persons subject to the provisions of this chapter.
(b) Applications for the purchase or rental of reserved housing and workforce housing units shall be accepted on a first-come, first-served or on a lottery basis. The applications shall be submitted in person by the applicant. Only completed applications shall be acceptable. Applicants shall not be required to submit a deposit amount exceeding $500.
(c) Notice of the proposed sale or rental of reserved housing and workforce housing units shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation on two separate days. The notice shall include but not be limited to the following:
(1) General description of the project in which the reserved housing or workforce housing units are located including its location, number of reserved housing or workforce housing units, size of the reserved housing or workforce housing units by number of bedrooms, and sales prices or rental rates;
(2) Qualification requirements for purchase of reserved housing or workforce housing units including maximum income limits, restrictions on ownership of property, the authority's first option to purchase and shared equity requirements for reserved housing or workforce housing units for sale, and occupancy guidelines;
(3) A statement that buyers or renters shall be selected on a first-come, first-served or on a lottery basis, whichever is applicable;
(4) Where and when applications may be obtained and the first date, including time and place, when applications will be accepted, and subsequent dates, times, and places for submission of applications;
(5) Deadline for submission of applications; and
(6) In the case of a reserved housing unit and workforce housing for sale, the deposit amount and mode of acceptable payment.

The time period between publication of the notice and the first acceptance of applications shall not be less than fourteen business days. The period shall be computed from the first day of publication of the notice.

(d) Priority shall be given to applicants who have been displaced from housing within the Kakaako community development district as a result of redevelopment in the mauka area within a five-year period.
(e) Applicants shall be allowed to select a reserved housing or workforce housing unit based on maximum income limits, qualifying income, preference, occupancy guidelines, and availability of the reserved housing or workforce housing unit.
(f) In the event the developer, or the developer's designated representatives have accepted and processed applications and selected applicants for reserved housing or workforce housing units, a certification shall be submitted to the authority that the selection was made on a first-come, first-served or a lottery basis. Applicants shall be listed in the order in which the applications were accepted, and the list shall be available for inspection by the authority. The final applications for those persons selected shall be made available to the authority and the authority shall review the applications to ensure that the applicants meet the eligibility requirements established under this chapter.
(g) Reserved housing and workforce housing applicants shall provide financial and family information with the reserved housing or workforce housing application.
(h) The authority may also require applicants to provide documentation to verify information submitted to the authority, including but not limited to:
(1) Asset verification;
(2) Verification of deposit;
(3) Verification of employment; and
(4) Credit bureau report. An applicant found to have willfully submitted false information, made misstatements, or withheld important information shall be disqualified from purchasing or renting a reserved housing or a workforce housing unit under this chapter. The authority retains its right to recover any money wrongfully gained by the applicant or to any other recourse provided by law.


Haw. Code R. § 15-218-31
Am and Comp 7/9/2018 [Eff 11/11/11; am and comp 6/25/2021] (Auth: HRS §§ 206E-4, 206E-5, 206E-7) (Imp: HRS §§ 206E-4, 206E-5, 206E-7)

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