Emergency assistance payments are short-term benefits for specific emergency conditions that are provided to assist a family with an eligible child. These payments are not intended to meet ongoing and recurrent needs that will extend beyond the one hundred twenty (120) day service period. (3-17-22)

01. Emergency Payments. Emergency payments will be made to purchase goods and services relating to the emergency condition. (3-17-22)
02. Non-Allowable Payments. Emergency assistance funds may not be used to pay for the following: (3-17-22)
a. Medical services reimbursable by Medicaid regardless of whether the individual is receiving or eligible for Medicaid. (3-17-22)
b. Services provided to meet a family's ongoing basic needs including housing, food, clothing, transportation, and household goods that extend beyond the one hundred twenty (120) days. (3-17-22)
c. Services available through other community resources. (3-17-22)
d. Child care that is not considered respite care. (3-17-22)
e. Medical or automobile insurance. (3-17-22)
f. Down payment or purchases of vehicles or real property. (3-17-22)
03. Funding Restrictions. The Department may take action to reduce emergency assistance payments when available funding is insufficient. (3-17-22)


Idaho Admin. Code r.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.