01. Applicability. (3-24-22)
a. The alternative test method in Subsection 101.02 shall only be used for containment sumps that are performing continuous interstitial monitoring as a piping release detection method where an electronic sump sensor is installed and connected to an electronic monitoring device, such as an automatic tank gauge, or where the piping within a containment sump is continuous to a containment sump which has an electronic sump sensor installed and connected to an electronic monitoring device, such as an automatic tank gauge. (3-24-22)
i. The sump sensor in Subsection 101.01.a. must be positioned in the containment sump according to manufacturer instructions and at the lowest possible point in the containment sump. (3-24-22)
ii. The sump sensor in Subsection 101.01.a. must be wired and programmed appropriately to shut down power to the submersible turbine pump (positive shutdown) when the sensor is in contact with liquid in any containment sump. (3-24-22)
iii. If new dispensers are added and Subsection 101.01.a.ii. cannot be achieved (no electrical conduit, not enough sensor ports, etc.), an electronic stand-alone dispenser containment sump sensor may be used if it is wired appropriately to shut down power to the dispenser when the sensor is in contact with liquid in the dispenser containment sump. (3-24-22)
b. The Department may not allow the alternative test method in Subsection 101.02 if it determines the containment sump, penetration fittings, or containment sump sensors are not constructed or positioned in a manner that will accommodate the alternative testing or prevent releases to the environment (i.e., penetration fittings are too close to the containment sump bottom). (3-24-22)
02. Alternative Test Method Allowed. (3-24-22)
a. As an alternative to the allowable test method in 40 CFR 280.35(a)(1)(ii)(A)-(C), containment sumps used for interstitial monitoring of piping may be tested as follows: (3-24-22)
i. Temporarily remove any interstitial monitoring containment sump sensors before conducting the test; (3-24-22)
ii. Add water to the containment sump up to a point directly beneath the first containment sump penetration fitting from the bottom of the containment sump. The water must be allowed to settle for at least fifteen (15) minutes; (3-24-22)
iii. Place a measuring stick that has one sixteenth (1/16th) inch increments into the lowest point in the containment sump and extending above the water level in the sump; and (3-24-22)
iv. Document the initial water level measurement as measured from the bottom of the containment sump. After one (1) hour, document the ending water level measurement. If the water level changes less than one eighth (1/8th) inch, the containment sump passes the integrity test. If the water level changes one eighth (1/8th) inch or greater, the containment sump fails the integrity test. (3-24-22)
b. Upon completion of the test, remove all water and properly dispose of it. Reinstall any interstitial monitoring sensors. Reinstall all containment sump lids, gaskets, and covers. (3-24-22)


Idaho Admin. Code r.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.