Ill. Admin. Code tit. 44, § 2600.335 - Other Methods of Source Selection

a) An award of a definite quantity requirement may be split between bidders or offerors. Each portion shall be for a definite quantity and the sum of the portions shall be the total definite quantity required. A split award may be used only when award to more than one bidder or offeror for different amounts of the same item is necessary to obtain the total quantity or the required delivery. The Procurement Officer shall make a written determination setting forth the reasons for the split award and retain it in the procurement file.
b) The Procurement Officer may choose to use a term and condition contract when necessary to purchase assets that precede a procurement. A term and condition contract contains agreed contractual terms and conditions established for the convenience of the parties to be used in conjunction with a subsequent procurement and processed in accordance with the requirements of the Code and this Part. A term and condition contract is not a procurement. It creates no obligation on the part of SBEL to procure from the vendor. Orders may be placed against term and condition contracts without use of any prescribed method of source selection for convenience of processing sole source, emergency or small procurements.
c) Purchases may be made at auction in accordance with the procedural requirements applicable to the particular auction. Notice and competition is not required and the amount payable shall be the amount bid and accepted plus any required buyer's premium.
d) The Procurement Officer must ensure that SBEL complies with federal requirements that are necessary to receive or maintain any federal aid funds, grants or loans, and may not contravene SBEL's reimbursement provisions in 26 Ill. Adm. Code 204.50(e).


Ill. Admin. Code tit. 44, § 2600.335

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.