Ill. Admin. Code tit. 68, § 1175.305 - Physical Site Requirements

a Space Requirements
1 A school shall have a minimum of 500 square feet of work space or 40 square feet of work space for each student, or a maximum of 25 students, whichever is greater. An additional 30 square feet of work space is required for each additional student if attendance exceeds 25 at any given time.
2 Work space shall include dispensary and laboratory area. Work space shall not include classrooms, rest rooms, halls, checkrooms, conference rooms, storage space or other areas or facilities for school administration.
3 Two restrooms shall be provided.
4 Separate cloak space shall be provided for the public.
5 A public waiting area must be provided.
6 Schools shall provide a student lounge area, which shall be separated from the work area, and sufficient space for each student to keep school related and personal items.
7 All areas of the school shall be ventilated and lighted.
b Equipment Requirements - All equipment shall be in working condition and sufficient for the number of students enrolled. Minimum requirements for school equipment are:
1 An entrance sign designating the name of the school.
2 A school seal.
3 A time clock or other equipment necessary for verification of attendance and hours earned.
4 Four shampoo chairs and 4 shampoo bowls with adequate hot and cold running water.
5 Clinic stations shall have at least 3 feet per student in the class, including electrical outlets, mirror space and either a barber chair or styling chair. One wet sanitizer shall be provided for each 10 clinic stations.
6 A chair for each student in the classroom and, when appropriate, sufficient desk or table space.
7 Adequate covered disposal cans placed at convenient locations.
8 At least one covered container for soiled towels in each work space.
9 Closed or covered space equipped for storing towels and having sufficient storage space for 10 dozen towels per 20 students in the clinical work area.
10 One bearded mannequin for each student in attendance.
11 One straight razor and strop for each student and a lather machine for every two students.
c Sanitary Regulations
1 Clean outer garments must be worn at all times. No open toed shoes shall be worn by students.
2 All instruments shall be sanitized before and after use on each patron.
3 Clean towels shall be used for each patron.
4 Shampoo bowls must be sanitized after each use.
5 Hands must be cleansed before and after serving each patron.
6 After each patron is served, combs and brushes must be cleansed, then immersed in a disinfectant, then rinsed in water and dried. Combs and brushes shall be kept in a closed or covered container or space apart from appliances that have not been disinfected.
7 The head rests of any chair shall be protected with a disposable cover or clean towel and changed after each patron.
8 Non-disposable head coverings must be laundered and sanitized after each separate use.
9 All powders, lotions, creams, and other cosmetics shall be kept in clean, closed containers. All cosmetics shall be applied by sanitary applicators and removed from the container with a sanitary spatula.
10 No owner, manager, teacher, or school administrator shall knowingly permit any person suffering from a serious communicable disease as defined in 77 Ill. Adm. Code 690 to work on the premises, or knowingly permit a student to serve a patron with a serious communicable disease.
11 No animals or pets, except animal assistants for the physically impaired, shall be permitted on school premises.
12 The floors, walls and furniture shall be kept clean at all times.
13 An adequate supply of hot and cold running water shall be available for school operation.
d Textbooks/Teaching Materials - Textbooks shall be provided for each student in attendance.
e Teachers - The student/teacher ratio shall not exceed a 25 to 1 ratio.


Ill. Admin. Code tit. 68, § 1175.305

Amended at 30 Ill. Reg. 9503, effective May 10, 2006

Amended at 38 Ill. Reg. 21098, effective 11/7/2014

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.