a) A
certified laboratory must use specific methods or alternative methods the
Agency approved under Section
611.480 to determine whether the
supplier complies with Section
1) Gross Alpha and Beta
A) Evaporation Methods. SM 302 (71); SM 7110
B (85); SM 7110 B (91); SM 7110 B (96); SM 7110 B (00); USEPA
900.0 (80);
USEPA 900.0 (18);
USEPA 00-01 (84); USEPA IRM (76), pages 1-3; USEPA RCA (79), pages 1-5; or USGS
B) Liquid Scintillation
Methods. ASTM D7283-17 or SM 7110 D (17).
2) Gross Alpha. Coprecipitation Methods. SM
7110 C (91), SM 7110 C (96), SM 7110 C (00), or USEPA 00-02 (84).
3) Radium-226
A) Radiochemical Methods. ASTM D2460-97; ASTM
D2460-07; Georgia Radium (04); New York Radium (82); SM 304 (71); SM 7500-Ra B
(88); SM 7500-Ra B (93); SM 7500-Ra B (01); USEPA
903.0 (80);
USEPA 903.0(21);
USEPA Ra-03 (84); USEPA IRM (76), pages 13-15; USEPA RCA (79), pages 19-32; or
USGS R-1140-76.
B) Radon Emanation
Methods. ASTM D3454-97; ASTM D3454-05; ASTM D3454-18; EML (97) Ra-04; EML (90)
Ra-05; SM 305 (71); SM 7500-Ra C (88); SM 7500-Ra C (93); SM 7500-Ra C (01);
USEPA 903.1 (80);
USEPA 903.1 (21);
USEPA Ra-04 (84); USEPA IRM (76), pages 16-23; or USGS R-1141-76.
C) Gamma Spectrometry. SM 7500-Ra E (01) or
SM 7500-Ra E (07).
A) Radiochemical Methods. Georgia
Radium (04); New Jersey Radium (90); New York Radium (82); SM 7500-Ra D (88);
SM 7500-Ra D (93); SM 7500-Ra D (01); USEPA
904.0 (80);
USEPA904.0 (22);
USEPA Ra-05 (90); USEPA IRM (76), pages 24-28; USEPA RCA (79), pages 19-32; or
USGS R-1142-76.
B) Gamma
Spectrometry. SM 7500-Ra E (01) or SM 7500-Ra E (07).
5) Uranium
A) Radiochemical Methods. SM 7500-U B (88),
SM 7500-U B (91), SM 7500-U B (96), SM 7500-U B (00), or USEPA
B) Fluorometric Methods. ASTM D2907-97, EML
(90) U-04, EML (97) U-04, SM 7500-U C (88), SM 7500-U C (91), SM 7500-U C (96),
SM 7500-U C (00), USEPA
908.1 (80),
USGS R-1180-76, or USGS R-1181-76.
C) ICP-MS Methods. ASTM D5673-03, ASTM
D5673-05, ASTM D5673-10, ASTM D5673-16; SM 3125 (97); or USEPA
D) Alpha Spectrometry. ASTM D3972-97; ASTM
D3972-02; ASTM D3972-09; EML (90) U-02; EML (97) U-02; USEPA 00-07 (84); USEPA
RCA (79), pages 33-48; or USGS R-1182-76.
E) Laser Spectrometry. ASTM D5174-97, ASTM
D5174-02, or ASTM D5174-07.
Alpha Liquid Scintillation Spectrometry. ASTM D6239-09.
BOARD NOTE: If the laboratory determines uranium (U) by mass,
it must use a conversion factor of
0.67 pCi/µg U. This
conversion factor reflects the characteristic 1:1 activity ratio of
234U and
238U of naturally occurring
Radioactive Cesium
A) Radiochemical Methods.
ASTM D2459-72; SM 7500-Cs B (88), SM 7500-Cs B (93); SM 7500-Cs B (00); USEPA
901.0 (80);
USEPA IRM (76), pages 4-5; or USGS R-1111-76.
B) Gamma Ray Spectrometry. ASTM D3649-91;
ASTM D3649-98a; ASTM D3649-06; EML (90) Ga-01; EML (97) Ga-01-R; SM 7120 (94);
SM 7120 (97); USEPA 901.1 (80);
USEPA RCA (79), pages 92-95; or USGS R-1110-76.
7) Radioactive Iodine
A) Radiochemical Methods. ASTM D3649-91; ASTM
D3649-98a; ASTM D3649-06; SM 7500-I B (88); SM 7500-I B (93); SM 7500-I B (00);
SM 7500-I C (88); SM 7500-I C (93); SM 7500-I C (00); SM 7500-I D (88); SM
7500-I D (93); SM 7500-I D (00); USEPA
902.0 (80);
USEPA IRM (76), pages 6-8; or USEPA IRM (76), pages 9-12.
B) Gamma Ray Spectrometry. ASTM D4785-93;
ASTM D4785-00a; ASTM D4785-08; ASTM D4785-20; EML (90) Ga-01; EML (97) Ga-01-R;
SM 7120 (94); SM 7120 (97); USEPA
901.1 (80); or
USEPA RCA (79), pages 92-95.
8) Radioactive Strontium-89 and -90.
Radiochemical Methods. EML (90) Sr-01; EML (97) Sr-01; EML (90) Sr-02; EML (97)
Sr-02; SM 303 (71); SM 7500-Sr B (88); SM 7500-Sr B (93); SM 7500-Sr B (01);
USEPA 905.0 (80);
USEPA Sr-04 (84); USEPA IRM (76), pages 29-33; USEPA RCA (79), pages 65-73; or
USGS R-1160-76.
9) Tritium. Liquid
Scintillation. ASTM D4107-91; ASTM D4107-98; ASTM D4107-08; ASTM D4107-20; SM
306 (71); SM 7500-3H B (88); SM 7500-3H B (93); SM 7500-3H B (00); USEPA
906.0 (80);
USEPA H-02 (84); USEPA IRM (76), pages 34-37; USEPA RCA (79), pages 87-91; or
USGS R-1171-76.
10) Gamma Emitters.
Gamma Ray Spectrometry. ASTM D3649-91; ASTM D3649-98a; ASTM D3649-06; ASTM
D4785-93; ASTM D4785-00a; ASTM D4785-08; ASTM D4785-20; EML (90) Ga-01; EML
(97) Ga-01-R; SM 7120 (94); SM 7120 (97); SM 7500-Cs B (88); SM 7500-Cs B (93);
SM 7500-Cs B (00); SM 7500-I B (88); SM 7500-I B (93); SM 7500-I B (00); USEPA
901.0 (80);
USEPA 901.1 (80);
USEPA 902.0 (80);
USEPA RCA (79), pages 92-95; or USGS R-1110-76.
c) For monitoring radioactivity
concentrations in drinking water, a detection limit defines the required
sensitivity of the radio analysis. The detection limit is the concentration a
laboratory can measure with a precision of plus or minus 100 percent at the 95
percent confidence level (1.96 [SIGMA], where [SIGMA] is
the standard deviation of the net counting rate of the sample).
1) When determining compliance with Section
(c), and (e), the detection limit must not
exceed certain concentrations:
Detection Limit
Gross alpha particle activity
3 pCi/L
1 pCi/L
1 pCi/L
1 µg/L
BOARD NOTE: This subsection (c)(1) derives from
40 CFR
141.25(c) Table
2) When determining
compliance with Section
611.330(d), the
detection limits must not exceed certain concentrations:
Detection Limit
1,000 pCi/L
10 pCi/L
2 pCi/L
1 pCi/L
10 pCi/L
Gross beta
4 pCi/L
Other radionuclides
1/10 of applicable limit
BOARD NOTE: This subsection (c)(2) derives from
40 CFR
141.25(c) Table
d) When
determining compliance with the MCLs in Section 611.330, the laboratory must
use averages of data and round results to the same number of significant
figures as the MCL.
BOARD NOTE: This Section derives from
40 CFR
141.25 and appendix A to subpart C of
40 CFR
141. The Board did not separately list
approved alternative methods from Standard Methods Online that are the same
version as a method appearing in a printed edition of Standard Methods. Using
the Standard Methods Online copy is acceptable.
Standard Methods Online, Methods 7110 B-91 and 7110 C-91
appear in the 18th and
19th editions as Methods 7110 B and 7110 C. These
appear in this Section as SM 7110 B (91) and SM 7110 C (91).
Standard Methods Online, Methods 7110 B-00 and 7110 C-00
appear in the 21st, 22nd,
and 23rd editions as Methods 7110 B and 7110 C.
These appear in this Section as SM 7110 B (00) and SM 7110 C (00).
Standard Methods Online, Method 7120-97 appears in the
20th, 21st,
22nd, and 23rd editions
as Method 7120. This appears in this Section as SM 7120 (97).
Standard Methods Online, Method 7500-Cs B-00 appears in the
21st, 22nd, and
23rd editions as Method 7500-Cs B. In this Section,
thus appears as SM 7500-Cs B (00).
Standard Methods Online, Methods 7500-I B-00, 7500-I C-00,
and 7500-I D-00 appear in the 21st,
22nd, and 23rd editions
as Methods 7500-I B, 7500-I C, and 7500-I D. These appear in this Section as SM
7500-I B (00), SM 7500-I C (00), and SM 7500-I D (00).
Standard Methods Online, Methods 7500-Ra B-01, 7500-Ra C-01,
and 7500-Ra D-01 appears in the 21st and
22nd editions as Methods 7500-Ra B, 7500-Ra C, and
7500-Ra D. These appear in this Section as SM 7500-Ra B (01), SM 7500-Ra C
(01), and SM 7500-Ra D (01).
Standard Methods Online, Methods 7500-Ra B-07, 7500-Ra C-07,
7500-Ra D-07, and 7500-Ra E-07 appears in the 23rd
edition as Methods 7500-Ra B, 7500-Ra C, 7500-Ra D, and 7500-Ra E. These appear
in this Section as SM 7500-Ra B (07), SM 7500-Ra C (07), SM 7500-Ra D (07), and
SM 7500-Ra E (07).
Standard Methods Online, Method 7500-Sr B-01 appears in the
21st, 22nd, and
23rd editions as Method 7500-Sr B. This appears in
this Section as SM 7500-Sr B (01).
Standard Methods Online, Method 7500-3H B-00 appears in the
21st, 22nd, and
23rd editions as Method 7500-3H B. This appears in
this Section as SM 7500-3H B (00)
Standard Methods Online, Methods 7500-U B and 7500-U C-00
appear in the 21st, 22nd,
and 23rd editions as Methods 7500-U B and 7500-U C.
These appear in this Section as SM 7500-U B (00) and SM 7500-U C