Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35, § 734.220 - Application for Payment of Early Action Costs

Owners or operators intending to seek payment for early action activities, excluding free product removal activities conducted more than 45 days after confirmation of the presence of free product, are not required to submit a corresponding budget plan. The application for payment may be submitted to the Agency upon completion of the early action activities in accordance with the requirements at Subpart F of this Part, excluding free product removal activities conducted more than 45 days after confirmation of the presence of free product. Applications for payment of free product removal activities conducted more than 45 days after confirmation of the presence of free product may be submitted upon completion of the free product removal activities.


Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35, § 734.220

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.