An applicant shall be deemed to possess sufficient managerial
capabilities to serve residential or small commercial customers if it has two
or more individuals in management positions with four or more years
demonstrated experience in a management position with enterprise financial and
administration responsibilities including profit and loss responsibilities and
four years natural gas sales experience, and provides the information required
in subsections (a) and (b) of this Section.
a) The applicant shall include in its
application an exhibit containing occupational background information on the
persons who are being used to meet the requirements of this Section.
b) The applicant shall include in its
application an exhibit containing a corporate organizational chart and
indicating the position of persons indicated in subsection (a) of this
c) In the event the
applicant does not meet the managerial qualifications set forth in this
Section, the applicant shall demonstrate the extent its managerial resources
and abilities match the services that it intends to provide to its residential
or small commercial customers. The Commission may impose such terms and
conditions as deemed necessary in order to insure the applicant is managerially
qualified, commensurate with the anticipated scope of the service to be
provided and residential or small commercial customers to be served.