Notwithstanding the provisions set forth in subsections (a)
through (h), beginning July 1, 2002, the reimbursement rates paid for medical
transportation services shall be the lesser of the provider's usual and
customary charge to the general public or 94 percent of the fiscal year 2002
rate otherwise determined by the Department under this Section. Notwithstanding
beginning with date of service July 1, 2013 and thereafter, the Department's
established maximum rate for ambulance services shall be equivalent to 100% of
the rate in effect on June 30, 2012, as reflected on the Department's Fee
Schedule, except when a rate that is higher than the rate in effect on June 30,
2012 is specified in subsection (h). Payment for medical transportation
services shall be made in accordance with the methodologies outlined in this
Section. Base rate reimbursement is determined by the county in which the
vehicle is, or the vehicles are, based. In no case shall rates exceed the
Medicare allowable, where applicable, or the rates charged to the general
a) For dates of service prior
to July 1, 2006, medicar providers shall be paid a base rate, which includes
the first ten miles (20 miles round trip), a mileage rate and a fixed amount
for an employee or non-employee attendant. Loaded miles, i.e., those miles for
which the provider is actually transporting an individual, after ten miles (20
miles round trip) shall be reimbursed.
b) For dates of service prior to July 1,
2006, service car providers shall be paid a base rate, which includes the first
ten miles (20 miles round trip), a mileage rate and a fixed amount for a
non-employee attendant. Loaded miles, i.e., those miles for which the provider
is actually transporting an individual, after ten miles (20 miles round trip)
shall be reimbursed.
c) For dates
of service on or after July 1, 2006, medicar providers and service car
providers shall be paid at a base rate, a mileage rate and a fixed amount for
an attendant. Payment for an attendant is subject to the requirements in
Mileage reimbursement is made for loaded miles, i.e., those miles for which the
provider is actually transporting an individual. Mileage for multiple
passengers is reimbursed pursuant to Section
d) Private auto providers shall be paid for
loaded miles at a mileage rate.
Payment for transportation services provided by common carrier, such as
commercial airplanes, buses and trains, shall be at the usual community
f) Taxicabs in an area
regulated by a municipality or township shall be reimbursed at the community
rate and a fixed amount for an attendant. Payment for an attendant is subject
to the requirements in Section
g) Taxicabs in non-regulated areas shall be
reimbursed at a rate as determined by the Department and a fixed amount for an
attendant. Payment for an attendant is subject to the requirements in Section
The Department rate shall be reviewed on an annual basis each July.
h) The Department shall pay for medically
necessary ambulance services provided in accordance with Section
140.490 at
a base, mileage rate (loaded miles) and a rate for oxygen, as appropriate.
Payment shall also be made for Advanced Life Support (ALS) at an all inclusive
rate, which includes the base rate, supplies, and all other services, excluding
mileage. However, for ALS services provided on or after July 1, 1993, separate
reimbursement shall be made for oxygen when used and appropriately billed.
Loaded miles for ALS trips shall be reimbursed at the per mile rate. Payment
shall also be made for Specialty Care Transport (SCT). Rates shall be reviewed
beginning November 1, 1986, and each November thereafter, according to the
methodology set forth in subsections (h)(1) through (5). Revised rates pursuant
to this methodology shall be effective with services provided on or after July
1 of the succeeding year.
1) Payment shall be
made at a basic rate for Basic Life Support (BLS) services that is provider
specific. The basic rate shall be the lesser of the provider's usual and
customary charge to the general public, as reflected on the provider's claim
form, or 80 percent of the 50th percentile of the
Medicare prevailing charge for Basic Life Support for the designated Medicare
Locality, except that any basic rate previously approved by the Department that
exceeds these parameters shall remain in force. The rate of annual increase
shall not exceed five percent. Beginning with dates of service July 1, 2018 and
thereafter, the Department's established maximum rate for BLS services shall be
equivalent to 112% of the rate in effect on June 30, 2018, as reflected on the
Department's Fee Schedule.
Payment for loaded miles shall be at a rate per mile. If a natural disaster,
weather or other conditions necessitate the use of a route other than the most
direct route, reimbursement will be based on the actual distance traveled. The
rate per mile shall be 50 percent of the 50
percentile of the Medicare prevailing mileage charge for Medicare Locality 16.
The annual rate of increase shall not exceed five percent. Beginning with dates
of service July 1, 2018 and thereafter, regardless of the county in which the
vehicle is based, loaded miles shall be paid at the lesser of the provider's
usual and customary charge to the general public, as reflected on the
provider's claim, or the Department's established rate of $
per mile, as reflected on the Department's Fee Schedule.
3) Payment for oxygen shall be made at a flat
rate statewide. The rate shall be 50 percent of the
50th percentile of the Medicare prevailing charge
for Medicare Locality 16. The annual rate of increase shall not exceed five
4) Payment for Advanced
Life Support (ALS) services shall be at the lesser of the provider's usual
charge, or a maximum allowable rate statewide. The maximum rate shall be 80
percent of the difference between the Medicare 50th
percentile prevailing charge for Basic Life Support services and Advanced Life
Support services for Medicare Locality 16. The annual rate of increase shall
not exceed five percent. Beginning with dates of service July 1, 2018 and
thereafter, the Department's established maximum rate for ALS services shall be
equivalent to 112% of the rate in effect on June 30, 2018, as reflected on the
Department's Fee Schedule.
Beginning with dates of service July 1, 2018 and thereafter, payment for SCT
shall be made at the lesser of the provider's usual and customary charge to the
general public, as reflected on the provider's claim, or the Department's
established rate, which is equivalent to 112% of the ALS rate in effect on June
30, 2018, as reflected on the Department's Fee Schedule.
i) Payment for medical transportation
services provided by individuals, including those currently receiving public
assistance, legally responsible relatives or household members, will be made at
a loaded mileage rate.
j) The
Department may adjust reimbursement for medical transportation services in a
county when such adjustment is necessary to ensure the availability of
transportation to medical services.