Ill. Admin. Code tit. 89, § 302.530 - Phase-in Plan for Statewide Intensive Family Preservation Services

The Department will phase-in intensive family preservation services in the following manner:

a) During the first phase the Department will fund programs in at least one site in each of the Department's seven downstate regions and four sites in Cook County. These sites will be selected based on the following criteria:
1) the number of protective custodies
2) the number of children in foster care
3) the number of indicated reports of child abuse or neglect for families with children 0-6 years of age
4) the availability of other placement prevention resources
b) These programs will be directed toward families:
1) who are the subject of a child abuse or neglect report, and
2) who have at least one child under the age of six residing in the home, and
3) for whom immediate placement of the child(ren) has been determined necessary or the Department has taken protective custody of the child(ren) until intensive family preservation services are in place, and
4) who have been the subject of three (3) or fewer indicated reports, and
5) whose children, in the judgment of the Department, are not jeopardized by remaining at or being returned home if intensive family preservation services are provided.
c) Three years following the beginning of the first phase, programs providing family preservation services to the identical target population shall be extended throughout the state.
d) During the second phase, depending on sufficient funds appropriated by the General Assembly, the Department will fund programs to:
1) extend intensive family preservation services to the same target population as defined in subsection (a)(1) residing in other geographical areas of the state. The geographical areas for expansion will be selected on the basis of the same criteria listed in subsection (a)(2).
2) increase the age of the youngest child in the targeted population up to and including 12 years of age;
3) begin providing intensive family preservation services to families with children in placement four months or less in order to reunite these families if family preservation is an appropriate goal.
e) Programs providing intensive family preservation services directed toward the following remaining populations will be phased in, depending on sufficient appropriations, in the following order:
1) families with indicated reports of child abuse or neglect that are classified as Priority I or severe Priority II reports as defined in Appendix B, Child Abuse and Neglect Allegations, of 89 Ill. Adm. Code 300, Reports of Child Abuse and Neglect;
2) families with children up to and including 17 years of age who are the subjects of an abuse or neglect report and for whom immediate placement is considered;
3) all families with children in substitute care and for whom reunification is an appropriate goal;
4) any persons who have adopted a child and require post adoption services.


Ill. Admin. Code tit. 89, § 302.530

Added at 14 Ill. Reg. 19010, effective November 15, 1990

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