Ill. Admin. Code tit. 8, pt. 85 - DISEASED ANIMALS

  1. § 85.5 - Definitions
  2. § 85.7 - Incorporation by Reference
  3. § 85.10 - Reportable Diseases
  4. § 85.12 - Contagious or Infectious Diseases
  5. § 85.15 - Truck Cleaning and Disinfection
  6. § 85.20 - Disposal of Sick, Diseased, or Crippled Animals at Stockyards, Auction Markets, or Marketing Centers
  7. § 85.25 - Sale of Livestock Quarantined Because of Disease
  8. § 85.30 - Identification Ear Tags for Livestock
  9. § 85.35 - Identification Tags Not to be Removed
  10. § 85.40 - Livestock for Immediate Slaughter Not to be Diverted En Route
  11. § 85.45 - Anthrax
  12. § 85.50 - Goats
  13. § 85.55 - Scrapie in Sheep and Goats
  14. § 85.60 - Bluetongue
  15. § 85.65 - Sheep Foot Rot (Repealed)
  16. § 85.70 - Cattle Scabies
  17. § 85.75 - Cattle Scabies - Additional Requirements on Cattle from Certain Designated Areas
  18. § 85.80 - Sheep and Goats
  19. § 85.85 - Diseased Animals
  20. § 85.90 - Copy of Health Certificate Shall be Furnished
  21. § 85.95 - Requests for Permits
  22. § 85.100 - Consignments to Stockyards, Auction Markets or Recognized Slaughtering Centers
  23. § 85.105 - Obligation of Transportation Company and Truck Operators
  24. § 85.110 - Additional Requirements on Cattle From Designated States
  25. § 85.115 - Salmonella enteritidis serotype enteritidis
  26. § 85.120 - Cervidae
  27. § 85.125 - Ratites
  28. § 85.130 - Vesicular Stomatitis
  29. § 85.135 - Requirements for Establishing and Maintaining a Herd Under the Voluntary Paratuberculosis (Johne's Disease) Certification Program
  30. § 85.140 - Requirements for Establishing and Maintaining a Herd Under the Voluntary Paratuberculosis (Johne's Disease) Risk Management Program
  31. § 85.145 - Johne's Disease Positive Animals
  32. § 85.150 - Importation of Animals; Permit Required
  33. § 85.155 - Release from Quarantine


Ill. Admin. Code tit. 8, pt. 85
Regulations Relating to Diseased Animals, filed January 17, 1972, effective January 27, 1972; filed August 19, 1975, effective August 29, 1975; filed December 29, 1976, effective January 8, 1977; amended at 2 Ill. Reg. 24, p. 12, effective June 15, 1978; amended at 3 Ill. Reg. 33, p. 337, effective August 17, 1979; amended at 5 Ill. Reg. 724, effective January 2, 1981; codified at 5 Ill. Reg. 10456; amended at 7 Ill. Reg. 1746, effective January 28, 1983; amended at 8 Ill. Reg. 5925, effective April 23, 1984; amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 4489, effective March 22, 1985; amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18411, effective November 19, 1985; amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 20464, effective January 1, 1987; amended at 12 Ill. Reg. 8283, effective May 2, 1988; amended at 13 Ill. Reg. 3642, effective March 13, 1989; amended at 14 Ill. Reg. 1919, effective January 19, 1990; amended at 14 Ill. Reg. 15313, effective September 10, 1990; amended at 16 Ill. Reg. 11756, effective July 8, 1992; emergency amendment at 17 Ill. Reg. 14052, effective August 16, 1993, for a maximum of 150 days; amended at 18 Ill. Reg. 1850, effective January 24, 1994; emergency amendment at 19 Ill. Reg. 10734, effective July 10, 1995, for a maximum of 150 days; emergency expired December 17, 1995; amended at 20 Ill. Reg. 276, effective January 1, 1996; emergency amendment at 20 Ill. Reg. 6581, effective April 30, 1996, for a maximum of 150 days; amended at 20 Ill. Reg. 13039, effective September 25, 1996; amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 17049, effective January 1, 1998; amended at 23 Ill. Reg. 411, effective January 1, 1999; amended at 23 Ill. Reg. 7862, effective July 1, 1999; amended at 24 Ill. Reg. 997, effective January 10, 2000; amended at 24 Ill. Reg. 16612, effective November 1, 2000; amended at 26 Ill. Reg. 76, effective January 1, 2002; emergency amendment at 26 Ill. Reg. 6846, effective April 19, 2002, for a maximum of 150 days; emergency expired September 15, 2002; amended at 26 Ill. Reg. 18245, effective December 13, 2002; emergency amendment at 27 Ill. Reg. 9638, effective June 10, 2003, for a maximum of 150 days; emergency expired November 6, 2003; amended at 28 Ill. Reg. 2086, effective February 1, 2004; amended at 28 Ill. Reg. 13405, effective October 1, 2004; amended at 30 Ill. Reg. 16582, effective October 9, 2006; amended at 31 Ill. Reg. 82, effective January 1, 2007; amended at 34 Ill. Reg. 19399, effective January 1, 2011. Amended at 38 Ill. Reg. 20655, effective 10/16/2014. Amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 02682, effective 1/22/2016. Amended at 43 Ill. Reg. 4515, effective 3/26/2019. Amended at 43 Ill. Reg. 4816, effective 4/15/2019. Emergency amendment at 46 Ill. Reg. 6723, effective 4/5/2022, for a maximum of 150 days.

AUTHORITY: Implementing and authorized by the Illinois Diseased Animals Act [510 ILCS 50 ]; Section 6 of the Illinois Bovine Brucellosis Eradication Act [510 ILCS 30/6] ; Livestock Auction Market Law [225 ILCS 640 ]; and Equine Infectious Anemia Control Act [510 ILCS 65 ].

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.