Iowa Admin. Code r. 185-16.6 - Tapping accessories and coil cleaning service

(1) Tapping accessories.
a. An industry member may sell tapping accessories, identified in rule 185-16.1 (123), and carbon dioxide to a retailer at not less than the industry member's laid-in cost.
b. An industry member may install tapping accessories at a retail establishment provided the retailer bears the cost of initial installation.
(2) Coil cleaning service. An industry member may sell, furnish or give wine and beer coil cleaning services, including carbon dioxide filters and other necessary accessories to properly clean the coil and affix carbon dioxide filters, to a retailer. The manufacturer shall be responsible for paying for the costs if carbon dioxide filters are provided.

This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 123.45 and 123.186.


Iowa Admin. Code r. 185-16.6
Amended by IAB May 13, 2015/Volume XXXVII, Number 23, effective 6/17/2015 Amended by IAB May 31, 2023/Volume XLV, Number 24, effective 7/5/2023

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