Iowa Admin. Code r. 187-1.3 - Division of banking
Organization-division . The division of banking is a
subdivision of the department of commerce and consists of the superintendent
and those employees who discharge the duties and responsibilities imposed upon
the superintendent by the laws of this state. The superintendent has general
control, supervision and regulatory authority over all entities which the
division is given authority to regulate pursuant to the Code of Iowa. The
division consists of three separate bureaus: the bank bureau, the finance
bureau, and the professional licensing and regulation bureau. The bank bureau
has primary responsibility relating to the supervision, regulation, and
chartering of state banks. The finance bureau has primary responsibilities
relating to the supervision, regulation, and licensing of appraisal management
companies, closing agents, debt management businesses, delayed deposit services
businesses, industrial loan companies, money services businesses, mortgage
bankers, mortgage brokers, mortgage loan originators, real estate appraisers,
and regulated loan companies. The professional licensing and regulation bureau
has primary responsibilities relating to the regulation and licensing of
specified professions by providing administrative support to and coordinating
the activities of the following licensing boards: the Iowa accountancy
examining board, the architectural examining board, the engineering and land
surveying examining board, the interior design examining board, the landscape
architectural examining board, and the real estate commission.
Organization-superintendent . The superintendent is the
administrator of the division . The superintendent is appointed by the governor,
by and with the approval of the senate, for a term of four years. The
superintendent 's office is located at 200 East Grand Avenue, Suite 300, Des
Moines, Iowa 50309-1827. The superintendent is assisted by the following
officials who are responsible to the superintendent :
Bank bureau chief. The
bank bureau chief performs such duties as the superintendent prescribes,
including general supervision of all bank examining personnel, administration
and supervision of regulatory examinations, and administration and supervision
of all matters relating to the exercise of banking powers authorized by the
laws of this state.
analysts. Bank analysts perform such duties as the superintendent
prescribes, including advanced technical analysis and review of examination and
financial reports of banks and bank holding companies; assessing, measuring,
and monitoring the risk conditions in state banks and bank holding companies;
assisting the superintendent and banking council in the analysis of
applications submitted to the division for approval; and the review and
analysis of bank examination reports.
Finance bureau chief. The
finance bureau chief performs duties prescribed by the superintendent ,
including general supervision over all matters relating to the licensing and
supervision of appraisal management companies, closing agents, debt management
businesses, delayed deposit services businesses, industrial loan companies,
money services businesses, mortgage bankers, mortgage brokers, mortgage loan
originators, real estate appraisers, and regulated loan companies.
Chief operating officer.
The chief operating officer performs duties prescribed by the superintendent ,
including management of the administrative functions, information technology
needs, and fiscal affairs of the division of banking. The chief operating
officer is also responsible for administration of personnel policies, work
rules, payrolls, and employee benefits for all employees of the
division .
Examiners. Each examiner performs duties prescribed by the
superintendent in a manner consistent with the laws of this state and may be
predominantly trained in an area within the jurisdiction of the superintendent .
Bank examinations are performed by examining personnel situated in examination
regions throughout the state. Each region is headed by a regional manager who
is assisted by a staff of examiners.
Professional licensing and
regulation bureau chief. The professional licensing and regulation
bureau chief performs such duties as the superintendent prescribes, including
budgetary and personnel matters related to the licensing and regulation of
several professions, by providing administrative support to and coordinating
the activities of the following licensing boards: the Iowa accountancy
examining board created pursuant to Iowa Code chapter 542, the engineering and
land surveying board created pursuant to Iowa Code chapter 542B, the real
estate commission created pursuant to Iowa Code chapter 543B, the architectural
examining board created pursuant to Iowa Code chapter 544A, the landscape
architectural examining board created pursuant to Iowa Code chapter 544B, and
the interior design examining board created pursuant to Iowa Code chapter
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
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