Any person may submit a written complaint to the commission
requesting a determination of the reasonableness of rates, charges, schedules,
service, regulations, or anything done or not done by a public utility for
those services or rates subject to regulation by the commission. "Person" as
used in this chapter shall have the same definition as defined in Iowa Code
section 4.1(20).
Information to be filed.
The written complaint should include the following information:
a. The name of the utility involved, any
utility personnel known or believed to be familiar with the facts stated in the
complaint, and the location of the office of the utility where the complaint
was originally made and processed.
b. The name of the complainant. If the
complaint is being made on behalf of a person other than the complainant, an
affidavit from the person upon whose behalf the complaint is being made,
attesting to the accuracy of the complaint, should be included. A complaint
filed by an organization on behalf of its members shall include an affidavit
signed by an attorney for, or an officer of, the organization.
c. The address, or addresses, of the premises
where the service, billing problems, or other actions occurred. If the
complainant resides at a different address, the complaint shall also state
where a response to the complaint is to be mailed. The complainant shall
provide a telephone number and, if available, an email address where the
complainant can be reached.
d. The
nature of the complaint, and efforts made to resolve the matter. Bills,
correspondence, or other relevant documents should be included if the documents
will aid the commission's understanding of the utility's action or practice
about which the complaint is made. If known, references to statutes or rules
believed to govern the outcome of the complaint should be included. Also, a
description of the efforts made by the complainant to resolve the complaint
with the utility should be included. The complainant should contact the utility
to attempt to resolve the complaint prior to submitting a complaint to the
e. A proposal for
resolving the complaint. The proposal should refer to any known statutes,
commission orders, or rules that support the resolution proposed by the
Request for additional information. If commission staff
determines that additional information is needed prior to forwarding the
complaint to the utility, the complainant will be notified that specified
additional information is needed. If the requested additional information is
not provided within ten days, the complaint may be dismissed. Dismissal of the
complaint on this basis does not prevent the complainant from filing in the
future a complaint that includes the requested information.
Iowa Admin. Code r. 199-6.2
Amended by
January 16, 2019/Volume XLI, Number 15, effective
Adopted by
February 21, 2024/Volume XLVI, Number 17, effective
Editorial change: IAC Supplement