Iowa Admin. Code rr. 281-43.15 - Local board procedure

The board of education will proceed as follows in purchasing school buses:

(1) Request bids unless the bus is a used or demonstrator bus.
(2) Notify dealers of intent to purchase school transportation equipment and request bids.
(3) Reserve right to reject all bids.
(4) Require all bids to be on comparable equipment that meets all state and federal requirements.
(5) Hold an open meeting for dealers to present merits of their equipment.
(6) Review bids, tabulate all bids, and make a record of action taken.
(7) Sign contracts or orders for purchase of school transportation equipment. The purchase agreement must provide that the dealer will deliver equipment that will pass initial state inspection at no further cost to the school.
(8) Notify the department of education of delivery so that arrangements can be made for the initial school bus inspection. No school bus may be put into service until it has passed a pre-use inspection conducted, documented, and reported by the local board of education or its designee on a form prescribed by the department of education. The initial school bus inspection will be conducted at the earliest possible time convenient to the school and the department of education.


Iowa Admin. Code rr. 281-43.15
Amended by IAB October 15, 2014/Volume XXXVII, Number 8, effective 11/19/2014 Amended by IAB August 28, 2019/Volume XLII, Number 5, effective 10/2/2019 Adopted by IAB April 17, 2024/Volume XLVI, Number 21, effective 5/22/2024

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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