Iowa Admin. Code r. 282-11.5 - Investigation of complaints or license reports
The chairperson of the board or the chairperson's designee may request an investigator to investigate the complaint or report received by the board from another state, territory or other jurisdiction concerning license or certificate revocation or suspension pursuant to subrule 11.4(7); providing that the jurisdictional requirements have been met on the face of the complaint. The investigation shall be limited to the allegations contained on the face of the complaint. The investigator may consult an assistant attorney general concerning the investigation or evidence produced from the investigation. Upon completion of the investigation, the investigator shall prepare a report of the investigation for consideration by the board in determining whether probable cause exists. The investigation of the complaint shall be finalized even if the licensed practitioner resigns or surrenders the practitioner's license, certificate, authorization, or statement of recognition during the investigation. The board shall investigate whether or not an administrator who is employed by the school that employs a licensed practitioner who is the subject of an investigation initiated under Iowa Code section 256.160(1) "a" filed a written complaint and whether or not the administrator was required to report to the board pursuant to Iowa Code section 256.160.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.