Iowa Admin. Code r. 491-14.6 - Taxes

(1) The licensee shall pay a tax rate pursuant to Iowa Code section 99E.6 on adjusted revenue from fantasy sports contests. "Adjusted revenue" means the amount equal to the total charges and fees collected from all participants entering the fantasy sports contest less winnings paid to participants in the contest, multiplied by the location percentage defined in Iowa Code section 99E.1. Charges and fees returned to participants due to a participant withdrawing the participant's entry from a fantasy sports contest shall not be considered when calculating the adjusted revenue. Contests resulting in negative adjusted revenue shall be considered promotional in nature and cannot be used to offset taxes owed pursuant to Iowa Code section 99E.6.
(2) Voided and canceled transactions are not considered receipts for the purpose of this calculation.
(3) Any offering used to directly participate in a contest shall be considered receipts for the purpose of this calculation.
(4) Any other fee collected to participate in a fantasy sports contest shall be subject to the wagering tax pursuant to Iowa Code section 99E.6.
(5) All moneys collected for and owed to the state of Iowa under Iowa Code chapter 99E for the payment of fantasy sports contests shall be accounted for and itemized on a monthly basis, in a format approved by the commission, by noon on Wednesday following a gaming week's end as defined by 491-subparagraph 5.4(10)"b(1) in which the completed gaming week includes the last day of the month. All fantasy sports contest fees owed shall be received in the treasurer's office by 11 a.m. on the Thursday after accounting and itemization is due in the commission office.
(6) Fantasy sports operators shall provide additional reports, as determined necessary by the administrator, that detail the taxes collected in accordance with this rule. Reports shall be provided to the commission in a format approved by the administrator. The administrator shall provide written notice to any licensee if additional reports are determined necessary. In addition, the administrator shall provide adequate time to any licensee if a report needs to be created to satisfy this requirement.


Iowa Admin. Code r. 491-14.6
Adopted by IAB August 28, 2019/Volume XLII, Number 5, effective 7/31/2019 Amended by IAB April 8, 2020/Volume XLII, Number 21, effective 5/13/2020 Amended by IAB February 10, 2021/Volume XLIII, Number 17, effective 3/17/2021

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.