Iowa Admin. Code r. 657-5.25 - Unethical conduct or practice
Violation by a pharmacy support person of any of the provisions of this rule shall constitute unethical conduct or practice and may be grounds for disciplinary action as provided in rule 657-5.27 (155A).
Misrepresentative deeds.
A pharmacy support person shall not make any statement tending to deceive,
misrepresent or mislead anyone, or be a party to or an accessory to any
fraudulent or deceitful practice or transaction in pharmacy or in the operation
or conduct of a pharmacy.
Confidentiality. In the absence of express consent from the
patient or order or direction of a court, except where the best interests of
the patient require, a pharmacy support person shall not divulge or reveal to
any person other than the patient or the patient's authorized representative,
the prescriber or other licensed practitioner then caring for the patient, a
licensed pharmacist, or a person duly authorized by law to receive such
information the contents of any prescription or the therapeutic effect thereof
or the nature of professional pharmaceutical services rendered to a patient;
the nature, extent, or degree of illness suffered by any patient; or any
medical information furnished by the prescriber.
Discrimination. It is
unethical for a pharmacy support person to unlawfully discriminate between
patients or groups of patients for reasons of religion, race, creed, color,
sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin, or disease
state when providing pharmaceutical services.
Unethical conduct or
behavior. A pharmacy support person shall not exhibit unethical
behavior in connection with the pharmacy support person's pharmacy employment.
Unethical behavior shall include, but is not limited to, the following acts:
verbal abuse, coercion, intimidation, harassment, sexual advances, threats,
degradation of character, indecent or obscene conduct, and theft.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.