Kan. Admin. Regs. § 109-3-3 - Emergency medical responder; authorized activities

Each emergency medical responder shall be authorized to perform any intervention specified in K.S.A. 65-6144, and amendments thereto, and as further specified in this regulation:

(a) Emergency vehicle operations:
(1) Operating each ambulance in a safe manner in nonemergency and emergency situations. "Emergency vehicle" shall mean ambulance, as defined in K.S.A. 656112 and amendments thereto; and
(2) stocking an ambulance with supplies in accordance with regulations adopted by the board and the ambulance service's approved equipment list to support local medical protocols;
(b) initial scene management:
(1) Assessing the scene, determining the need for additional resources, and requesting these resources;
(2) identifying a multiple-casualty incident and implementing the local multiple-casualty incident management system;
(3) recognizing and preserving a crime scene;
(4) triaging patients, utilizing local triage protocols;
(5) providing safety for self, each patient, other emergency personnel, and bystanders;
(6) utilizing methods to reduce stress for each patient, other emergency personnel, and bystanders;
(7) communicating with public safety dispatchers and medical control facilities;
(8) providing a verbal report to receiving personnel;
(9) providing a written report to receiving personnel;
(10) completing a prehospital care report;
(11) setting up and providing patient and equipment decontamination;
(12) using personal protection equipment;
(13) practicing infection control precautions;
(14) moving patients without a carrying device; and
(15) moving patients with a carrying device;
(c) patient assessment and stabilization:
(1) Obtaining consent for providing care;
(2) communicating with bystanders, other health care providers, and patient family members while providing patient care;
(3) communicating with each patient while providing care; and
(4) assessing the following: blood pressure manually by auscultation or palpation or automatically by nonin-vasive methods; heart rate; level of consciousness; temperature; pupil size and responsiveness to light; absence or presence of respirations; respiration rate; and skin color, temperature, and condition;
(d) cardiopulmonary resuscitation and airway management:
(1) Applying cardiac monitoring electrodes;
(2) performing any of the following:
(A) Manual cardiopulmonary resuscitation for an adult, child, or infant, using one or two attendants;
(B) cardiopulmonary resuscitation using a mechanical device;
(C) postresuscitative care to a cardiac arrest patient;
(D) cricoid pressure by utilizing the sellick maneuver;
(E) head-tilt maneuver or chin-lift maneuver, or both;
(F) jaw thrust maneuver;
(G) modified jaw thrust maneuver for injured patients;
(H) modified chin-lift maneuver;
(I) mouth-to-barrier ventilation;
(J) mouth-to-mask ventilation;
(K) mouth-to-mouth ventilation;
(L) mouth-to-nose ventilation;
(M) mouth-to-stoma ventilation;
(N) manual airway maneuvers; or
(O) manual upper-airway obstruction maneuvers, including patient positioning, finger sweeps, chest thrusts, and abdominal thrusts; and
(3) suctioning the oral and nasal cavities with a soft or rigid device;
(e) control of bleeding, by means of any of the following:
(1) Elevating the extremity;
(2) applying direct pressure;
(3) utilizing a pressure point;
(4) applying a tourniquet;
(5) utilizing the trendelenberg position; or
(6) applying a pressure bandage;
(f) extremity splinting, by means of any of the following:
(1) Soft splints;
(2) anatomical extremity splinting without return to position of function;
(3) manual support and stabilization; or
(4) vacuum splints;
(g) spinal immobilization, by means of any of the following:
(1) Cervical collar;
(2) full-body immobilization device;
(3) manual stabilization;
(4) assisting an EMT, an AEMT, or a paramedic with application of an upper-body spinal immobilization device;
(5) helmet removal; or
(6) rapid extrication;
(h) oxygen therapy by means of any of the following:
(1) Humidifier;
(2) nasal cannula;
(3) non-rebreather mask;
(4) partial rebreather mask;
(5) regulators;
(6) simple face mask;
(7) blow-by;
(8) using a bag-valve-mask with or without supplemental oxygen; or
(9) ventilating an inserted supraglottic or subglottic airway;
(i) administration of medications according to the board's "approved medication list," dated June 4, 2021, which is hereby adopted by reference;
(j) recognizing and complying with advanced directives by making decisions based upon a do-not-resuscitate order, living will, or durable power of attorney for health care decisions; and
(k) providing the following techniques for preliminary care:
(1) Cutting of the umbilical cord;
(2) irrigating the eyes of foreign or caustic materials;
(3) bandaging the eyes;
(4) positioning the patient based on situational need;
(5) securing the patient on transport devices;
(6) restraining a violent patient, if technician or patient safety is threatened;
(7) disinfecting the equipment and ambulance;
(8) disposing of contaminated equipment, including sharps and personal protective equipment, and material;
(9) decontaminating self, equipment, material, and ambulance;
(10) following medical protocols for declared or potential organ retrieval;
(11) participating in the quality improvement process;
(12) providing EMS education to the public; and
(13) providing education on injury prevention to the public.


Kan. Admin. Regs. § 109-3-3
Authorized by K.S.A. 2020 Supp. 65-6111; implementing K.S.A. 65-6144; effective March 9, 2012; amended May 5, 2017; amended Jan. 24, 2020; amended by Kansas Register Volume 40, No. 43; effective 11/12/2021.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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