La. Admin. Code tit. 48, § I-10015 - Training Curriculum /Program Approval

A. Training Curriculum
1. Providers applying to have a training program after the effective date of this Rule shall use one of the state approved curriculums or any subsequent editions issued by the publisher or any future state approved curriculums.
2. The curriculum shall be a minimum of 80 hours in length, which includes 40 classroom hours and 40 clinical hours.
3. Each additional unit objective added to the approved curriculum, above the minimum 80 hours, shall be behaviorally-stated for each topic of instruction. Each objective shall state performance criteria which are measurable and shall serve as a basis for the competency evaluation.
a. The unit objectives shall be reviewed with the trainees at the beginning of each unit so each trainee will know what is expected of him/her in each part of the training.
B. Curriculum Goals and Content
1. The goal of the nurse aide training and competency evaluation program is the provision of quality services to residents by nurse aides who are able to:
a. communicate and interact competently on a one-to-one basis with residents as part of the team implementing resident care;
b. demonstrate sensitivity to the emotional, social and mental health needs of resident's through skillful, directed interactions;
c. assist residents in attaining and maintaining functional independence;
d. exhibit behavior to support and promote the rights of residents; and
e. demonstrate proficiency in the skills needed to support the assessment of the health, physical condition and well-being of residents.
2. Facility and non-facility based training programs shall provide at least 16 hours of instruction prior to a trainee's direct involvement with a resident. The 16 hours of instruction shall be devoted to areas listed in Subsection C of this Section.
C. The training program shall be conducted to ensure that each nurse aide, at a minimum, is able to demonstrate competencies in the following areas:
1. basic nursing skills including, but not limited to:
a. bed-making;
b. taking vital signs;
c. measuring height and weight;
d. caring for the resident's environment;
e. measuring fluid and nutrient intake and output;
f. assisting in the provision of proper nutritional care;
g. ambulating and transferring residents;
h. using body mechanics;
i. maintaining infection control and safety standards;
j. understanding the protocols in facility policy for the performance of and attaining/maintaining proficiency in basic cardio-pulmonary resuscitation including one hour of in-service training that shall be provided by the facility annually;
k. caring for residents when death is imminent;
l. recognizing abnormal signs and symptoms of common diseases and conditions; and
m. caring for residents suffering from Alzheimer's disease or dementia;
2. personal care skills including, but not limited to:
a. bathing, including mouth care;
b. grooming and dressing;
c. toileting;
d. assisting with feeding and hydration; and
e. skin care;
3. mental health and social service needs including, but not limited to:
a. modifying his/her own behavior in response to a resident's behavior;
b. identifying developmental tasks associated with the aging process and using task analysis to increase independence;
c. providing training in and the opportunity for self-care according to a resident's capabilities;
d. demonstrating principles of behavior modification by reinforcing appropriate behavior and causing inappropriate behavior to be reduced or eliminated;
e. demonstrating skills which support age-appropriate behavior by allowing the resident to make personal choices;
f. providing and reinforcing behavior consistent with maintaining a resident's dignity; and
g. utilizing a resident's family as a source of emotional support;
4. basic restorative services including, but not limited to:
a. the use of assistive devices in ambulation, eating and dressing;
b. maintenance of range of motion;
c. proper turning and positioning in a bed and a chair;
d. transferring a resident;
e. bowel and bladder training; and
f. care and use of prosthetic devices, such as hearing aids, artificial eyes or artificial limbs;
5. maintaining a resident's rights including, but not limited to:
a. assisting a resident to vote;
b. providing privacy and maintaining confidentiality;
c. allowing the resident to make personal choices to accommodate individual needs;
d. giving assistance in resolving grievances;
e. providing needed assistance in getting to, and participating in, resident and family groups and other activities;
f. maintaining reasonable care of a resident's personal possessions;
g. providing care which frees the resident from abuse, mistreatment or neglect and reporting any instances of poor care to appropriate facility staff; and
h. maintaining the resident's environment and care so as to minimize the need for physical and chemical restraints;
6. communication and interpersonal skills;
7. safety and emergency procedures;
8. promoting residents' independence; and
9. the Heimlich maneuver.
D. Program Approval
1. All training programs shall meet the guidelines established by the department.
2. To get a nurse aide training program approved, the facility or school shall submit to the department the application, completed in its entirety, which denotes the state approved curriculum that shall be used and all required documentation stipulated in the nurse aide training packet.
3. All schools applying for approval shall identify the physical locations used for classroom instruction and for the clinical experience. Non-facility based programs shall also submit clinical contracts which meet the guidelines established by the department.
4. Approval to provide nurse aide training is granted specifically for the provider who submitted the application. There is no provision for subcontracting the training program.
5. If an approved program ceases to provide a nurse aide training and competency evaluation program for a two year period, the program shall be closed. The provider must reapply if they wish to provide training at a later date.
6. All approved providers shall maintain a current address, telephone and fax number, and e-mail address. The provider shall report to the department any changes in this information or other aspects of the approved program within five working days.


La. Admin. Code tit. 48, § I-10015
Promulgated by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of the Secretary, Bureau of Health Services Financing, LR 32:2075 (November 2006), amended by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Health Financing LR 38:1242 (May 2012), repromulgated LR 38:1410 (June 2012).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 36:254 and P.L. 100-203.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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