06-096 C.M.R. ch. 125, § 2 - Definitions
For the purposes of this Chapter, the following definitions apply:
Equipment. "Ancillary equipment" means the equipment used with a dry
cleaning machine in a dry cleaning system including, but not limited to,
emission control devices, pumps, filters, muck cookers, stills, solvent tanks,
solvent containers, water separators, exhaust dampers, diverter valves,
interconnecting piping, hoses, and ducts.
Calendar Year. "Calendar
year" means a 12-month period starting January 1 and ending December 31 of each
Adsorber. "Carbon adsorber" means a device containing carbon as an
adsorbent material used for the removal of perchloroethylene, an inlet and
outlet for exhaust gases; and a system to regenerate or replace the saturated
Co-located. "Co-located" means a dry cleaner located in a building
with a residence, a day care center, a health care facility, a prison, an
elementary school, a middle or high school, a children's pre-school, a senior
center, a youth center or other facility designed to be occupied by children or
the elderly.
Condenser. "Condenser" means a recovery device that removes
condensable vapors by a reduction in the temperature of the captured gases. A
surface condenser affects condensation by indirect contact between the coolant
and process gas stream, through use of a refrigerated condenser coil which
contains coolant.
Construction. "Construction" means the fabrication (onsite),
erection, or installation of a perchloroethylene dry cleaning system.
Control device. "Control
device" means equipment (e.g. carbon adsorber, refrigerated condenser) used to
reduce the amount of air pollutant(s) in an air stream prior to discharge to
the ambient air.
Desorption. "Desorption" means regeneration of a carbon adsorber
by removal of the perchloroethylene adsorbed on the carbon.
Diverter valve. "Diverter
valve" means a flow control device that prevents room air from passing through
a refrigerated condenser when the door of the dry-cleaning machine is
Dry cleaner.
"Dry cleaner" means a facility engaged in the cleaning of garments in
perchloroethylene by means of one or more washes in the solvent, extraction of
the solvent by spinning, and drying by tumbling in an air stream. The facility
includes, but is not limited to any washer, dryer, emission control device(s),
exhaust dampers, diverter valves, filter purification system, waste disposal
system, stills, holding tank, muck cooker, water separators, filters, solvent
containers, pump and attendant piping, hoses, ducts and valves.
Dry-cleaning drum.
"Dry-cleaning drum" means the perforated container inside the dry-cleaning
machine that holds the articles during dry-cleaning.
Dry cleaning system. "Dry
cleaning system" means a dry cleaning machine and its ancillary
"Dryer" means a machine used to remove perchloroethylene from articles by
tumbling them in a heated air stream.
Dry-to-dry machine.
"Dry-to-dry machine" means a one-machine dry cleaning operation in which
washing and drying are performed in the same machine.
Exhaust damper. "Exhaust
damper" means a flow control device that prevents the air-perchloroethylene
gas-vapor stream from exiting the dry-cleaning machine into a carbon adsorber
before room air is drawn into the dry-cleaning machine.
Filter. "Filter" means a
porous device through which perchloroethylene is passed to remove contaminants
in suspension. Examples include, but are not limited to, lint filter (button
trap), cartridge filter, tubular filter, regenerative filter, prefilter,
polishing filter, and spin disc filter.
Garment. "Garment" means any
article placed in the washer for purposes of cleaning that article.
Halogenated hydrocarbon
detector. "Halogenated hydrocarbon detector" means a portable device
capable of detecting vapor concentrations of perchloroethylene of 25 parts per
million by volume and indicating a concentration of 25 parts per million by
volume or greater by emitting an audible or visual signal that varies as the
concentration changes.
Heating coil. "Heating coil" means the device used to heat the air
stream circulated from the dry cleaning machine drum, after perchloroethylene
has been condensed from the air stream and before the stream re-enters the dry
cleaning machine drum.
Major Source. "Major source" means a source whose twelve-month
rolling total consumption of perchloroethylene exceeds 2100 gallons.
Muck cooker. "Muck cooker"
means a device for heating perchloroethylene-laden waste material to volatilize
and recover perchloroethylene.
Perchloroethylene or perc or tetrachloroethylene or PCE.
"Perchloroethylene" or "perc" or "tetrachloroethylene" or "PCE" means a
colorless volatile chlorinated hydrocarbon with a chemical formula of C2Cl4 and
a CAS (Chemical Abstract System) Registry number of 127-18-4.
consumption. "Perchloroethylene consumption" means the twelve-month
rolling total volume (sum) of perchloroethylene purchased based upon monthly
purchase receipts or other reliable measures.
Perchloroethylene Consumption
Limit. "Perchloroethylene consumption limit" means a dry-cleaner's
highest twelve-month rolling total perchloroethylene consumption, as calculated
according to subsection
Perchloroethylene gas analyzer or
PCE gas analyzer."Perchloroethylene gas analyzer" or "PCE gas
analyzer"means a flame ionization detector, photoionization detector, or
infrared analyzer capable of detecting vapor concentrations of
perchloroethylene of 25 parts per million by volume.
Reclaimer. "Reclaimer" means
a machine used to remove perchloroethylene from articles by tumbling them in a
heated air stream.
Refrigerated condenser. "Refrigerated condenser" means a vapor
recovery system into which an air-perchloroethylene gas-vapor stream is routed
and the perchloroethylene is condensed by cooling the gas-vapor
condenser coil. "Refrigerated condenser coil" means the coil containing
the chilled liquid used to cool and condense the perchloroethylene.
Residence. "Residence" means
any dwelling or housing in which people reside.
Still. "Still" means any
device used to volatilize and recover perchloroethylene from contaminated
Temperature sensor. "Temperature sensor" means a thermometer or
thermocouple used to measure temperature.
Twelve-month Rolling Total.
"Twelve-month rolling total" means the total perchloroethylene consumed during
any consecutive 12-month period.
Vapor leak. "Vapor leak"means a perchloroethylene vapor
concentration exceeding 25 parts per million by volume (50 parts per million by
volume as methane) as indicated by a halogenated hydrocarbon detector or
perchloroethylene gas analyzer.
Washer. "Washer" means a machine used to clean articles by
immersing them in perchloroethylene.
Water separator. "Water
separator" means any device used to recover perchloroethylene from a
water-perchloroethylene mixture.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.