Md. Code Regs. - Application Requirements

A. An application for a sustainable community designation shall be submitted to the Department in accordance with the schedule that the Department establishes.
B. An application shall:
(1) Be on standard forms prescribed by the Department and Subcabinet;
(2) Be submitted by a local government or local governments that comply with the minimum eligibility requirements set forth in COMAR;
(3) Provide a detailed map and description of the proposed sustainable community;
(4) Provide a sustainable community plan;
(5) Specify the ability of a Sponsor to carry out the proposed sustainable community plan;
(6) Describe the strength and quality of partnerships created among the federal government, the State government, local governments, political subdivisions, community development organizations, and other private organizations to develop the sustainable community plan, including:
(a) Financial support;
(b) Dedication of staff and resources; and
(c) Commitment to and development of local smart growth policies;
(7) Describe proposed benchmarks for evaluating whether the proposed sustainable community plan results in a desired outcome for a proposed sustainable community, such as:
(a) Stabilization;
(b) Reversal of social, economic, or physical decline; or
(c) Development of social, economic, or physical improvements;
(8) Describe the process used to seek and receive public input on the proposed sustainable community plan or community legacy project, including the nature and extent of public support or opposition; and
(9) Contain a resolution of support for the proposed area from the local government(s) in whose jurisdiction(s) the area is located.
C. In addition to the requirements of §B of this regulation, an application or initial designation of a sustainable community shall demonstrate that:
(1) The sustainable community is in a priority funding area;
(2) Past and current trends in homeownership, property values, commercial and residential vacancy, and business or housing investment indicate that there is a need for reinvestment in the proposed area; and
(3) The sustainable community satisfies one or more of the following criteria:
(a) Entities in the community such as local governments, employers, educational institutions, civic organizations, community organizations, or cultural organizations support the proposed sustainable community plan or community legacy project and have pledged resources to its development or implementation;
(b) The proposed sustainable community plan addresses the need for reinvestment in the area and enhances the area, including providing individuals of different incomes with a range of housing options, employment opportunities, or other amenities;
(c) There is a cultural or historical significance in the community or communities located in the proposed area;
(d) The proposed area is close to a town center or a transportation center;
(e) The proposed sustainable community plan is consistent with and complements other existing or proposed projects for housing, commercial or community development, education, historic preservation, neighborhood revitalization, transportation, or other factors significant to the comprehensive enhancement of the community; or
(f) There is a demonstrated need for financing assistance for small businesses, nonprofit organizations, or microenterprises.


Md. Code Regs.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.