205 CMR, § 139.05 - Reports and Information to Be Compiled and Maintained by the Gaming Licensee

The following reports and information shall be compiled and maintained by the gaming licensee, or where applicable the gaming licensee's holding company, intermediary company, qualifying subsidiary, or entity qualifier thereof, in the manner provided as follows or as required by the governing body responsible for the oversight of the subject information, and shall be made available and provided upon request by the commission, or its designee:

(1) Up to date records regarding the business structure, capital structure, and controlling interest of the gaming licensee, where applicable, and the gaming licensee's holding company, intermediary company, qualifying subsidiary, or entity qualifier thereof including, at a minimum:
(a) Certified copies of incorporation and formation documents and any amendments thereto;
(b) By-laws, shareholders agreements, governing and/or operating agreements or documents, partnership agreement, intercompany transactions, joint venture agreements, merger and acquisition agreements, and other relevant corporate documents;
(c) Current listing of officers, directors, members, partners;
(d) Minutes of all meetings of shareholders;
(e) Detailed records regarding all record and beneficial owners of any class of non-publicly traded securities, including both equity and debt securities, issued by the gaming licensee, its holding company, intermediary company, qualifying subsidiary or entity qualifier thereof, including the names and addresses of record and beneficial owners of such equity or debt securities, date(s) acquired and the number of equity securities held or face amount of debt securities held, as applicable;
(f) Detailed records regarding all record and beneficial owners of 5% or more of any class of publicly traded securities, including both equity and debt securities, issued by the gaming licensee, its holding company, intermediary company, qualifying subsidiary or entity qualifier thereof, including the names and addresses of record and beneficial owners of such equity or debt securities held in street name or other name, date(s) acquired and the number of equity securities held or face amount of debt securities held, as applicable;
(g) Detailed records regarding distributions to equity holders holding 5% or more of the entity;
(h) Detailed records regarding all remuneration paid to officers, directors, partners and members;
(i) (for the gaming licensee only) Detailed records regarding all capital contributions;
(j) (for the gaming licensee only) Detailed records regarding any equity transfers;
(k) Essential details of any debt obligations including loans, covenants, borrowings, installment contracts, guarantees, leases, or any other debt; and
(l) Any other records as the commission deems appropriate.
(2) Copies of any securities filings submitted to federal, state, or other domestic or foreign securities regulatory authorities, regarding any of the securities, either in existence or proposed, including, but not limited to, United States Securities and Exchange Commission forms S-1, 8-K, 10-Q and 10-K, proxy or information statements and all registration statements filed by the gaming licensee, or holding company, intermediary company, qualifying subsidiary and entity qualifier thereof.
(3) Copies of any United States Securities and Exchange Commission Schedules 13D or 13G served upon the gaming licensee, or holding company, intermediary company, qualifying subsidiary and entity qualifier thereof.
(4) Copies of the federal and state tax returns and any related forms filed by the gaming licensee, and its holding company, intermediary company, qualifying subsidiary or entity qualifier thereof.
(5) The system of financial accounting, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, to be utilized by the gaming licensee designed to ensure the accurate recording and reporting its assets, liabilities, equity, revenue and expenses. The gaming licensee's system of financial accounting shall provide a level of detail so as to allow it to accurately compute gross gaming revenue in accordance with M.G.L. c. 23K, § 2 and 205 CMR 140.02: Administrative Monitoring and Inspections, and to report the gaming licensee's drop, win, and hold percentage for each form of gaming activity, the value of complimentary goods or services and promotional gaming credits issued during the accounting period, and any other information necessary to allow the commission to understand the gaming licensee's results of operations. The gaming licensee shall maintain detailed information and documentation to support all amounts reported to the commission as being the gaming licensee's assets, liabilities, equity, revenue and expenses.
(6) Data derived from the gaming licensee's player card/rewards card/loyalty program, cashless wagering system, player tracking software, or other similar information systems including:
(a) Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 23K, §§ 21(a)(15) and 29, the amount of money spent and lost on gaming (excluding the value of promotional gaming credits played, but including any amounts that were subject to discretionary discounting for marketing or other similar purposes) by patrons at the gaming establishment who have been issued a player card or rewards card or who participated in a cashless wagering system, aggregated by, at a minimum, the patron's age, gender and home zip code provided by the patron and compiled on an annual basis or as otherwise directed by the commission.
(b) Pursuant to St. 2011, c. 194, § 97, information, compiled by year, on player characteristics for patrons of the gaming establishment including, but not limited to, gender, age and region of residence, player behavior including, but not limited to, frequency of play, length of play, speed of play, denomination of play, amounts wagered at the gaming establishment and, if applicable, number of lines or hands played and characteristics of games played including, but not limited to, reel configuration, return-to-player or RTP, volatility index and denomination.
(7) Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 23K, § 28(b), a quarterly report, covering all complimentary services offered or engaged in by the gaming licensee during the immediately preceding quarter. The reports shall identify regulated complimentary services or items including, but not limited to, food and beverage, hotel and travel accommodations, and promotional gaming credits. The reports shall be aggregated by, at a minimum, the costs of the complimentary services or items, and the number of people who received each service or item for the quarter. The report shall also document any services or items valued in excess of $2,000 that were provided to patrons, including detailed reasons as to why they were provided. Valuation shall be performed in accordance with M.G.L. c. 23K, § 28(c).
(8) The gaming licensee's Disbursement Report relative to vendors in accordance with 205 CMR 138.06(2);
(9) Counter check information maintained by the gaming licensee in accordance with 205 CMR 138.43(2)(l) through (n).
(10) An annual business plan for the gaming licensee, which will include financial projections in a format as prescribed by the commission no later than 30 days prior to the commencement of the fiscal year.
(11) A compliance plan and any amendments thereto, for the gaming licensee and its holding company or intermediary company outlining the practices and protocols implemented, or to be implemented, designed to ensure compliance with all applicable federal or state laws.
(12) Copies of the minutes of all board of directors or equivalent governing authority meetings and committee meetings including the audit and compliance committee meeting minutes pursuant to 205 CMR 138.04(2)(g) and (h), for the gaming licensee or holding company or intermediary company thereof.


205 CMR, § 139.05
Adopted by Mass Register Issue 1293, eff. 8/14/2015. Amended by Mass Register Issue 1343, eff. 7/14/2017. Amended by Mass Register Issue 1367, eff. 6/15/2018.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.