1. 105 CMR 100.000 - Determination of Need (§ 100.001 to 100.825)
  2. 105 CMR 120.000 - The Control of Radiation (§ 120.001 to 120.015)
  3. 105 CMR 121.000 - To Control The Radiation Hazards Of Lasers, Laser Systems And Optical Fiber Communication Systems Utilizing Laser Diode Or Light Emitting Diode Sources
  4. 105 CMR 122.000 - Nonionizing Radiation Limits For: The General Public From Non-occupational Exposure To Electromagnetic Fields, Employees From Occupational Exposure To Electro-magnetic Fields, And Exposure From Microwave Ovens (§ 122.001 to 122.291)
  5. 105 CMR 123.000 - Tanning Facilities (§ 123.001 to 123.016)
  6. 105 CMR 124.000 - Provision Of Thyroid Blocking Agents (§ 124.001 to 124.005)
  7. 105 CMR 125.000 - Licensing of Radiologic Technologists (§ 125.001 to 125.024)
  8. 105 CMR 127.000 - Licensing Of Mammography Facilities
  9. 105 CMR 128.000 - Repealed
  10. 105 CMR 129.000 - Repealed
  11. 105 CMR 130.000 - Hospital Licensure (§ 130.001 to 130.051)
  12. 105 CMR 131.000 - Reserved
  13. 105 CMR 135.000 - Use Of Blood, Blood Components, And Derivatives For The Purpose Of Transfusion (§ 135.001 to 135.020)
  14. 105 CMR 140.000 - Licensure Of Clinics (§ 140.001 to 140.099)
  15. 105 CMR 141.000 - Licensure of Hospice Programs
  16. 105 CMR 142.000 - Operation And Maintenance Of Birth Centers (§ 142.001 to 142.200)
  17. 105 CMR 143.000 - Standards Governing Cardiac Rehabilitation Treatment (§ 143.001 to 143.016)
  18. 105 CMR 144.000 - Reserved
  19. 105 CMR 145.000 - Licensing Of Out-of-hospital Dialysis Units In Massachusetts (§ 145.001 to 145.099)
  20. 105 CMR 150.000 - Standards for Long-Term Care Facilities
  21. 105 CMR 151.000 - Reserved
  23. 105 CMR 155.000 - Patient And Resident Abuse Prevention, Reporting, Investigation, Penalties And Registry (§ 155.001 to 155.017)
  24. 105 CMR 156.000 - The Training Of Nurses Aides In Long-term Care Facilities
  25. 105 CMR 157.000 - The Registration And Operation Of Temporary Nursing Service Agencies (§ 157.010 to 157.020)
  26. 105 CMR 158.000 - Licensure of Adult Day Health Programs (§ 158.001 to 158.046)
  27. 105 CMR 159.000 - Reserved
  28. 105 CMR 160.000 THROUGH 163.000 - Reserved
  29. 105 CMR 160.000 - Repealed
  30. 105 CMR 161.000 - Repealed
  31. 105 CMR 162.000 - Repealed
  32. 105 CMR 164.000 - Licensure of Substance Abuse Treatment Programs (§ 164.003 to 164.005)
  33. 105 CMR 165.000 - Repealed
  34. 105 CMR 166.000 - Repealed
  35. 105 CMR 168.000 - Licensure Of Alcohol And Drug Counselors (§ 168.001 to 168.024)
  36. 105 CMR 170.000 - Emergency Medical Services System (§ 170.001 to 170.1000)
  37. 105 CMR 171.000 - Massachusetts First Responder Training (§ 171.010 to 171.230)
  38. 105 CMR 172.000 - Reporting of Unprotected Exposures to Infectious Diseases Dangerous to the Public Health (§ 172.001 to 172.007)
  39. 105 CMR 173.000 - Mobile Integrated Health Care and Community Ems Programs (§ 173.010 to 173.150)
  40. 105 CMR 180.000 - The Operation, Approval And Licensing Of Clinical Laboratories (§ 180.001 to 180.475)
  41. 105 CMR 200.000 - Physical Examination Of School Children (§ 200.001 to 200.630)
  42. 105 CMR 201.000 - Head Injuries And Concussions In Extracurricular Athletic Activities (§ 201.001 to 201.017)
  43. 105 CMR 205.000 - Minimum Standards Governing Medical Records And The Conduct Of Physical Examinations In Correctional Facilities (§ 205.001 to 205.020)
  44. 105 CMR 210.000 - The Administration Of Prescription Medications In Public And Private Schools (§ 210.001 to 210.100)
  45. 105 CMR 215.000 - Standards For School Wellness Advisory Committees (§ 215.001 to 215.100)
  46. 105 CMR 216.000 - Reserved
  47. 105 CMR 220.000 - Immunization of Students Before Admission to School (§ 220.300 to 220.700)
  48. 105 CMR 221.000 - Promoting Awareness Of Meningococcal Disease And Vaccine (§ 221.100 to 221.300)
  49. 105 CMR 222.000 - Massachusetts Immunization Information System (§ 222.001 to 222.410)
  50. 105 CMR 223.000 - Pediatric Immunization Program Assessment (§ 223.001 to 223.400)
  51. 105 CMR 225.000 - Nutrition Standards For Competitive Foods And Beverages In Public Schools (§ 225.001 to 225.200)
  52. 105 CMR 230.000 - Reserved
  53. 105 CMR 240.000 - Criteria For Insurance Coverage Of Bone Marrow Transplants For Breast Cancer Patients (§ 240.001 to 240.009)
  54. 105 CMR 260.000 - Prohibition Against Certain Fishing In New Bedford Harbor (§ 260.001 to 260.005)
  55. 105 CMR 270.000 - Blood Screening Of Newborns For Treatable Diseases And Disorders (§ 270.001 to 270.012)
  56. 105 CMR 271.000 - Postpartum Depression Screening And Reporting (§ 271.001 to 271.006)
  57. 105 CMR 272.000 THROUGH 299.000 - Reserved
  58. 105 CMR 300.000 - Reportable Diseases, Surveillance, and Isolation and Quarantine Requirements (§ 300.001 to 300.210)
  59. 105 CMR 301.000 - Cancer Registry (§ 301.001 to 301.040)
  60. 105 CMR 302.000 - Congenital Anomalies Registry (§ 302.001 to 302.090)
  61. 105 CMR 305.000 - Confidential Birth Information (§ 305.001 to 305.090)
  62. 105 CMR 308.000 - Reserved
  63. 105 CMR 309.000 - Safe Driving (§ 309.001 to 309.005)
  64. 105 CMR 310.000 - Reserved
  65. 105 CMR 315.000 - Cremation Of Bodies Received From Outside Massachusetts (§ 315.001 to 315.200)
  66. 105 CMR 316.000 - Reserved
  67. 105 CMR 330.000 - Vaccination Of Dogs And Cats Against Rabies (§ 330.001 to 330.600)
  68. 105 CMR 335.000 - TREATMENT OF PERSONS EXPOSED TO RABIES (§ 335.004 to 335.500)
  69. 105 CMR 340.000 - Reserved
  70. 105 CMR 345.000 - Reserved
  71. 105 CMR 350.000 - Reserved
  74. 105 CMR 400.000 - State Sanitary Code Chapter I: General Administrative Procedures (§ 400.001 to 400.900)
  75. 105 CMR 410.000 - Minimum Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation, State Sanitary Code, Chapter II (§ 410.001 to 410.990)
  76. 105 CMR 420.000 - Housing And Sanitation Standards For Farm Labor Camps (state Sanitary Code, Chapter Iii) (§ 420.001 to 420.870)
  77. 105 CMR 425.000 - Rights Of Visitation For Migrant Workers (§ 425.001 to 425.900)
  78. 105 CMR 430.000 - Minimum Standards for Recreational Camps for Children (State Sanitary Code, Chapter IV) (§ 430.001 to 430.830)
  79. 105 CMR 432.000 - Minimum Requirements for Personal Flotation Devices for Minor Children at Municipal and Recreational Programs and Camps (§ 432.001 to 432.600)
  80. 105 CMR 435.000 - Minimum Standards For Swimming Pools (state Sanitary Code: Chapter V) (§ 435.01)
  81. 105 CMR 440.000 - Minimum Standards For Developed Family Type Camp Grounds (state Sanitary Code, Chapter Vi) (§ 440.01 to 440.28)
  82. 105 CMR 445.000 - State sanitary code chapter VII: Minimum standards for bathing beaches (§ 445.001 to 445.500)
  83. 105 CMR 450.000 - Minimum Health And Sanitation Standards For Dys Secure Residential Facilities (§ 450.001 to 450.600)
  84. 105 CMR 451.000 - Minimum Health And Sanitation Standards And Inspection Procedures For Correctional Facilities (§ 451.001 to 451.504)
  85. 105 CMR 460.000 - Lead Poisoning Prevention And Control (§ 460.010)
  86. 105 CMR 470.000 - Maintenance And Construction Of Lockup Facilities (§ 470.001 to 470.900)
  87. 105 CMR 480.000 - Minimum Requirements For The Management Of Medical Or Biological Waste (state Sanitary Code Chapter Viii) (§ 480.001 to 480.700)
  88. 105 CMR 500.000 - Good Manufacturing Practices For Food (§ 500.001 to 500.016)
  89. 105 CMR 510.000 - Reserved
  90. 105 CMR 515.000 - Reserved
  91. 105 CMR 520.000 - Repealed
  92. 105 CMR 525.000 - Newburyport Shellfish Treatment Plant (Reserved)
  93. 105 CMR 530.000 - Repealed
  94. 105 CMR 531.000 - Repealed
  95. 105 CMR 532.000 - Repealed
  96. 105 CMR 533.000 - Repealed
  97. 105 CMR 541.000 - Repealed
  98. 105 CMR 561.000 - Repealed
  99. 105 CMR 565.000 - Repealed
  100. 105 CMR 570.000 - Reserved
  101. 105 CMR 590.000 - State Sanitary Code Chapter X:minimum Sanitation Standards For Food Establishments (§ 590.001 to 590.018)
  102. 105 CMR 605.000 - Approved Manual Choke-saving Procedures (§ 605.001 to 605.006)
  103. 105 CMR 620.000 - Bedding, Upholstered Furniture And Related Products (§ 620.001 to 620.005)
  104. 105 CMR 630.000 - Plastic Bags and Plastic Film
  105. 105 CMR 650.000 - Hazardous Substances (§ 650.001 to 650.990)
  106. 105 CMR 651.000 THROUGH 659.000 - Reserved
  108. 105 CMR 661.000 - Regulations Implementing M.g.l. C. 270, Section 22 (§ 661.001 to 661.400)
  109. 105 CMR 665.000 - Minimum Standards for Retail Sale of Tobacco and Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (§ 665.005 to 665.060)
  110. 105 CMR 670.000 - "Right To Know" (§ 670.001 to 670.025)
  111. 105 CMR 675.000 - Requirements To Maintain Airqualityin Indoorskating Rinks (state Sanitary Code, Chapter Xi) (§ 675.001 to 675.024)
  112. 105 CMR 680.000 - Reserved
  113. 105 CMR 700.000 - Implementation of M.G.L. c. 94C (§ 700.001 to 700.200)
  114. 105 CMR 701.000 - Reserved
  115. 105 CMR 720.000 - List Of Interchangeable Drug Products (§ 720.001 to 720.020)
  116. 105 CMR 721.000 - Standards for Prescription Format and Security in Massachusetts (§ 721.001 to 721.090)
  117. 105 CMR 722.000 - Dispensing Procedures for Clinic and Hospital Pharmacies (§ 722.001 to 722.095)
  118. 105 CMR 724.000 - Implementation Of M.g.l. C. 94d; The Controlled Substances Therapeutic Research Act (§ 724.001 to 724.007)
  119. 105 CMR 725.000 - Reserved
  120. 105 CMR 730.000 - Reserved
  121. 105 CMR 731.000 - Reserved
  122. 105 CMR 750.000 - Repealed
  123. 105 CMR 800.000 - Repealed
  124. 105 CMR 802.000 - Registration of Sanitarians (§ 802.010 to 802.700)
  125. 105 CMR 803.000 - Certification of Health Officers (§ 803.010 to 803.700)
  126. 105 CMR 910.000 - Licensure Of Research Institutions Using Dogs Or Cats In Research And Education (§ 910.001 to 910.010)
  127. 105 CMR 920.000 - Establishing A Uniform Schedule Of Assessments For Direct Pay Patients At The Department Of Public Health Hospitals (§ 920.001 to 920.010)
  128. 105 CMR 960.000 - Biotechnology (§ 960.001 to 960.009)
  129. 105 CMR 970.000 - Pharmaceutical And Medical Device Manufacturer Conduct (§ 970.001 to 970.011)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.