Mich. Admin. Code R. 336.1201a - General permits to install
Rule 201a.
(1) The
department may, after notice and opportunity for public participation pursuant
to section 5511(3) of the act , issue a general permit to install covering
numerous similar stationary sources or emission units. A general permit to
install shall include terms and conditions which are necessary to assure that
the stationary source or emission unit will comply with all applicable
requirements and shall be consistent with the permit content requirements of
336.1205(1)(a). The general permit to
install shall also identify criteria by which a stationary source or emission
unit may qualify for the general permit to install . The department shall grant
the terms and conditions of the general permit to install to stationary sources
or emission units that qualify within 30 days of receipt by the department of a
complete application . An applicant shall be subject to enforcement action if
the department later determines that the stationary source or emission unit
does not qualify for the general permit to install .
(2) An owner or operator of a stationary
source or emission unit that would qualify for a general permit to install
issued by the department pursuant to subrule (1) of this rule shall either
apply for coverage under the terms of the general permit to install or apply
for a permit to install consistent with
336.1201. The department may require the use of
application forms designed for use with a specific general permit to install
issued by the department . The application forms shall include all information
necessary to determine qualification for, and to assure compliance with, the
general permit to install . Without repeating the public participation process
pursuant to subrule (1) of this rule, the department may grant a request by a
person for authorization to install and operate a stationary source or emission
unit pursuant to a general permit to install .
(3) The department shall maintain, and make
available to the public upon request, a list of the persons that have been
authorized to install and operate a stationary source or emission unit pursuant
to each general permit to install issued by the department .
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.