Rule 575. Sections 406.1, 602.3, 702.4, and 902.1 of the
codeare amended and sections 406.2, 406.3, and 702.5are added to the code to
read as follows:
406.1. Replacement
glass. The installation or replacement of glass shall be as required for new
406.2. Replacement
window opening control devices. In group R-2 or R-3 buildings containing
dwelling units, window opening control devices complying with ASTM F2090 shall
be installed where an existing window is replaced and where all the following
apply to the replacement window:
1. The window
is operable.
2. The window
replacement includes replacement of the sash and the frame.
3. The top of the sill of the window opening
is at a height less than 36 inches (915 mm) above the finished floor.
4. The window will permit openings that will
allow passage of a 4-inch diameter (102 mm) sphere when the window is in its
largest opened position.
5. The
vertical distance from the top of the sill of the window opening to the
finished grade or other surface below, on the exterior of the building, is
greater than 72 inches (1829 mm).
The window opening control device, after operation to release
the control device allowing the window to fully open, shall not reduce the
minimum net clear opening area of the window unit to less than the area
required by section 1029.2.
Operable windows where the top of the sill of the window opening is located
more than 75 feet (22.86 m) above the finished grade or other surface below, on
the exterior of the room, space or building, and that are provided with window
fall prevention devices that comply with ASTM F2006.
2. Operable windows with openings that are
provided with window fall prevention devices that comply with ASTM
406.3. Replacement
window emergency escape and rescue openings. Where windows are required to
provide emergency escape and rescue openings in group R-2 and R-3 occupancies,
replacement windows shall be exempt from the requirements of sections 1029.2,
1029.3 and 1029.5provided the replacement window meets the following
1. The replacement window is the
manufacturers largest standard size window that will fit within the existing
frame or existing rough opening. The replacement window shall be permitted to
be of the same operating style as the existing window or a style that provides
for an equal or greater window opening area than the existing window.
2. The replacement of the window is not part
of a change of occupancy.
602.3. Glazing. Replacement glazing shall be
as required for new installations. Replacement glazing in hazardous locations
shall comply with the safety glazing requirements of the international building
code or international residential code as applicable.
Exception: Glass block walls, louvered windows, and jalousies
repaired with like materials.
Window opening control devices. In group R-2 or R-3 buildings containing
dwelling units, window opening control devices complying with ASTM F2090 shall
be installed where an existing window is replaced and where all the following
apply to the replacement window:
1. The
window is operable.
2. The window
replacement includes replacement of the sash and the frame.
3. In group R-2 or R-3 buildings containing
dwelling units, the top of the sill of the window opening is at a height less
than 36 inches (915 mm) above the finished floor, or in one- and two-family
dwellings and townhouses regulated by the international residential code, the
top of the sill of the window opening is at a height less than 24 inches (610
mm) above the finished floor.
The window will permit openings that will allow passage of a 4-inch diameter
(102 mm) sphere when the window is in its largest opened position.
5. The vertical distance from the top of the
sill of the window opening to the finished grade or other surface below, on the
exterior of the building, is greater than 72 inches (1829 mm).
The window opening control device, after operation to release
the control device allowing the window to fully open, shall not reduce the
minimum net clear opening area of the window unit to less than the area
required by the international building code.
Operable windows where the top of the sill of the window opening is located
more than 75 feet (22.86 m) above the finished grade or other surface below, on
the exterior of the room, space or building, and that are provided with window
fall prevention devices that comply with ASTM F2006.
2. Operable windows with openings that are
provided with window fall prevention devices that comply with ASTM
Emergency escape and rescue openings. Where windows are required to provide
emergency escape and rescue openings in group R-2 and R-3 occupancies,
replacement windows shall be exempt from the requirements of sections 1029.2,
1029.3, and 1029.5 of the international building code provided the replacement
window meets the following conditions:
1. The
replacement window is the manufacturers largest standard size window that will
fit within the existing frame or existing rough opening. The replacement window
shall be for an equal or greater window opening area than the existing
2. The replacement of the
window is not part of a change of occupancy.
902.1. High-rise buildings. Any building
having 1 or more occupied floors located more than 55 feet (16 764 mm) above
the lowest level of fire department vehicle access shall comply with the
requirements of sections 902.1.1 and 902.1.2.
Exception: The provisions of sections 902.1.1 and 902.1.2
shall apply to buildings having occupied floor levels more than 75 feet above
the lowest level of fire department vehicle access where the local unit of
government has complied with the provisions of section 403.1 of the Michigan
building code, exception 6.