Mich. Admin. Code R. 432.21322 - Verification
Rule 322.
(1) A
bingo game is won by the player or players who have the winning combination
required to win the game.
(2) The
last number or symbol called shall appear on the player's bingo card that is
being verified.
(3) The actual
numbered balls in the master board shall be the only official scorer, except as
provided by subrule (4) of this rule.
(4) If a random number generator is used, an
electronic equivalent to the master board shall be the official
(5) There shall be a
sufficient number of designated floor workers to provide complete coverage of
the bingo playing area for purposes of identifying player bingos.
(6) It shall be the responsibility of the
player to make his or her bingo known to a worker or caller by saying the word
"bingo" before the next number is completely called. An alternative method to
declare bingo may be used if stated in the licensee 's house rules.
(7) A player who is unable to say the word
"bingo" due to physical limitations shall be permitted to use another method of
making his or her bingo known.
Once a worker hears the word "bingo," or an alternative method allowed by the
licensee , the worker shall immediately notify the caller and the game shall
stop for a verification of the bingo card . Any ball that is drawn or selected
in error shall remain available for continued play, if necessary.
(9) A worker shall announce the winning
combination of numbers or symbols that appear on the winning player's bingo
card back to the caller who shall verify that the balls are in the master board
except as directed in writing by the bureau based on the best interest of the
public welfare. In a coverall game, the caller may announce the numbers or
symbols that are not called and the worker may verify that these numbers or
symbols do not appear on the player's bingo card that is being
(10) On all games where
the single prize paid to a player is $100.00 or more, the bingo card or cards
shall be displayed so that 2 or more players can observe the verification
(11) If a player is
playing more bingo cards than the number of bingo cards stated on the
verification slip or playing a disposable bingo card series number not sold by
the licensee , then any bingo called by the player shall not be honored and a
prize shall not be paid.
(12) A
player may verify all the balls drawn or selected at the time a winner is
(13) A player may
observe the verification of the winning bingo card .
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.