Mich. Admin. Code R. 460.9022 - Adoption by reference of federal standards

Rule 1.

(1) The federal uniform system of accounts for major and nonmajor gas utilities promulgated by the United States federal energy regulatory commission and codified at 18 CFR Part 201, as amended through Apri1 1, 2010, is adopted by reference in these rules as of January 1, 2011. The rules are prescribed for the use of all gas utilities under the jurisdiction of the Michigan public service commission, subject to the following exceptions and conditions unless otherwise ordered by the Michigan public service commission:
(a) All orders and practices of the Michigan public service commission in effect as of the effective date of this rule with accounting impacts that conflict with provisions of the uniform system of accounts for major and nonmajor gas utilities at the request of or affecting each specific utility shall remain in effect, and future orders and practices with such impacts shall supersede the provisions of the uniform system of accounts for major and nonmajor gas utilities for Michigan retail jurisdictional purposes.
(b) All references to federal statutes, federal regulations, and other federal documents are inapplicable where they are not applicable to the jurisdiction exercised by the Michigan public service commission.
(c) Nothing in these rules shall affect the validity of accounting practices approved in Michigan public service commission orders issued prior to the effective date of these rules. Utilities subject to any such orders may conform the related accounts to the updated accounts adopted by these rules, with notice to the commission.
(d) The Michigan public service commission may authorize gas utilities to utilize account numbers not listed in the federal energy regulatory commission's uniform system of accounts for major and nonmajor gas utilities.
(e) The gas utilities under the jurisdiction of the Michigan public service commission shall apply to the Michigan public service commission for Michigan retail jurisdictional use of the following accounts:
(i) Account 182.1 - Extraordinary property losses.
(ii) Account 182.2 - Unrecovered plant and regulatory study costs.
(iii) Account 182.3 - Other regulatory assets.
(iv) Account 254 - Other regulatory liabilities.
(v) Account 407 - Amortization of property losses, unrecovered plant and regulatory study costs.
(vi) Account 407.3 - Regulatory debits.
(vii) Account 407.4 - Regulatory credits.
(f) In addition to the accounts listed in 18 CFR Part 201 (2010), the following accounts shall be adopted in order to maintain consistency with accounts previously required by the Michigan public service commission:
(i) Account 246 - Federal income taxes accrued for prior years.
(ii) Account 246.1 - State and local taxes accrued for prior years.
(iii) Account 247 - Federal income taxes accrued for prior years - adjustments.
(iv) Account 247.1 - State and local taxes accrued for prior years - adjustments.
(2) Each gas utility subject to this rule shall file the following with the Michigan public service commission:
(a) In utility filings and other correspondence with the federal energy regulatory commission or its staff, on and after the effective date of this rule, regarding the utility's accounting practices or the uniform system of accounts for major and nonmajor gas utilities, including but not limited to requests for accounting guidance and or approval of accounting entries, the portion of the initial filing or correspondence by the utility relating to accounting practices or the uniform system of accounts for major and nonmajor gas utilities, and the final disposition of the matter.
(b) In other changes in the utility's accounting practices prompted by the federal energy regulatory commission orders, directives, or correspondence, a written explanation of the change in practice.
(c) In the regular periodic or special compliance audits performed on and after the effective date of this rule by the federal energy regulatory commission or its staff, notification of the commencement of the audit and a copy of the final audit report.
(3) The adopted regulations are available via the internet at www.gpoaccess.gov/cfr/ at no charge as of the time of the adoption of these rules. A printed copy of the code of federal regulations, Title 18, Conservation of Power and Water Resources, Parts 1-399, revised as of April 1, 2010, is available from the United States government printing office, 732 N. Capitol Street, NW, Washington, DC 20401, or by telephone at 1-866-512-1800 (toll free) or 202-512-1800 for a cost of as of the time of the adoption of these rules of $68.00. The uniform system of accounts may also be purchased online at http://bookstore.gpo.gov/, or from the Michigan

Department of Energy, Labor, and Economic Growth, Michigan Public Service Commission, P.O. Box 30221, Lansing, Michigan, 48909 for a cost as of the time of adoption of these rules of $68.00 plus shipping and handling.


Mich. Admin. Code R. 460.9022
2011 AACS

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.