2 Miss. Code. R. 903-4.5 - Procedures for Processing Forms MCSP-2 & MCSP- 2a

Procedures for Processing Forms MCSP-2 & MCSP-2a.

A. The applicant with assistance from a member of the district staff will complete form MCSP-2 for each practice. The applicant will complete the form through applicant's signature except for columns C, D, & E.
B. The technician will make field examination to determine the need and practicability and amount of soil loss or water conservation.
C. The technician will record findings on form MCSP-2. He/she will sign and date for MCSP-2.
D. For practices that the applicant can apply without additional on site assistance the technician will record component parts of the practice in column B and the amount in column B1.
E. For other practices that are needed and practical to apply, the technician will provide on-site technical assistance to determine the component parts of the practice that are needed and the extent or amount for each part. This information will be recorded in columns B and B1.
F. The SWCD Commissioners will fill in columns C, D, and E, complete the application, sign and date.
G. The SWCD Commissioner will sign in the "approved by SWCD" column and date, for practices that do not require on site technical assistance to apply. Send two (2) copies of Form MCSP-2a, "Practice Approval and Payment Application", with a letter instructing the applicant what he/she must do when the practice is applied. Participant will be instructed to fill in column F for each component part shown in column B and return it to the district office.
H. For practices that required on site technical assistance to apply, send one (1) copy of Form MCSP-2a with instructions to the applicant. The technician will make final check to determine if practice meets standards and specifications and fill in column F for each component part shown in column B. Complete his/her portion for form, sign and date.
I. The applicant will notify the district office when the practice has been installed.
J. The SWCD Commissioner will complete form MCSP-2a, sign and date and send the original copy along with cost information to the Commission for processing.


2 Miss. Code. R. 903-4.5
Miss. Code Ann. ยงยง 69-27-9, 69-27-307

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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