27 Miss. Code. R. 100-6-204 - GRATUITIES
It shall be a breach of this regulation for any person to offer, give, or agree to give any employee or former employee, or for any employee or former employee to solicit, demand, accept, or agree to accept from another person, a gratuity or an offer of employment in connection with any decision, approval, disapproval, recommendation, or preparation of any part of a program requirement or a purchase request. It shall further be a breach for any person to influence the content of any specification or procurement standard, rendering of advice, investigation, auditing, or in any other advisory capacity in any proceeding or application, request for ruling, determination, claim or controversy, or other particular matter, pertaining to any program requirement or proposal therefor through the offering or giving of a gratuity. The prohibition against gratuities prescribed in this section shall be conspicuously set forth in every contract and solicitation therefor.
In addition, the gratuity or offer of employment must be made in relation to any proceeding or application, request for a ruling, determination, claim or controversy, or other particular matter, and in connection with any decision, approval, disapproval, recommendation, preparation of any part of a program requirement or a purchase request, action to influence the content of any specification or procurement standard, rendering of advice, investigation, auditing, or other advisory capacity to constitute a breach.
This prohibition extends to the giving of gratuities to anyone on the state employee's or former state employee's behalf such as a member of that employee's immediate family.
Section -204 (Gratuities) does not prohibit
The following clause shall be conspicuously set forth in every contract and solicitation therefore requiring Personal Service Contract Review Board approval:
The bidder, offeror, respondent, or contractor represents that it has not violated, is not violating, and promises that it will not violate the prohibition against gratuities set forth in Section 6-204 (Gratuities) of the Mississippi Personal Service Contract Review Board Rules and Regulations.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.