37 Miss. Code. R. § 1-7501-04013-506

Drainage onto the highway right of way is handled as follows:

1. Raw sewage, septic tank effluent, wash rack runoff, or other objectionable matter will not be permitted to drain upon the roadside or into roadside ditches.
2. Effluence from a sewage treatment plant may be allowed to drain on the right of way if the following conditions are met:
A. The applicant must obtain a permit from the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) - Office of Pollution Control in Jackson.
B. The applicant must contact the owners of the property on which the effluence is discharged to get their permission. Failure to obtain permission would result in a revision to the proposed plan of discharge or not issuing the permit.
C. The applicant must supply written notice from the MDEQ-Office of Pollution Control documenting the estimated discharge rate per day.
D. The determination of the point of discharge will be based upon a case by case review of what effects the discharge or discharge point will have on existing structures and the maintenance and aesthetics of the highway and right of way.
E. The District Engineer shall decide upon review of field conditions if the sewage treatment plant discharge would create a maintenance problem. If a potential maintenance problem would be created, the permit will be denied.
3. Violations shall be reported to the MDEQ Office of Pollution Control and/or the Mississippi Department of Health.


37 Miss. Code. R. § 1-7501-04013-506

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.