controlled by this Section 1700. The standards, restrictions or processes
herein are solely applicable to the sign types specifically named in Section
1700.1 below. Similarly, with the exception of the Definitions in Section 300,
the administrative review process in Section 1800 or any other Section
specified herein, none of the standards, restrictions or processes in the other
sections of this Rule shall apply to the signs specified in Section 1700.1
below. The signs named in this section are specifically exempted from paying a
permit fee.
SIGNS and NOTICES include the following:
Directional Signs: Signs containing directional information about public places
owned or operated by Federal, State or local governments of their agencies;
publicly or privately owned natural phenomena, historic, cultural, scientific,
educational and religious sites; and areas of natural scenic beauty or
naturally suited for outdoor recreation, deemed to be in the interest of the
traveling public.
b. Public Service
Signs: These are signs located on school bus stop shelters which are authorized
or approved by city, county or state law, regulations or ordinances at places
approved by the city, county or MDOT. No shelters will be permitted on the MDOT
right of way.
c. Service Club and
Religious Information Signs: Signs and notices, whose erection is authorized by
law, relating to meetings of non-profit service clubs or charitable
associations, or religious services and directions to said meeting
d. Public Utility Signs:
Warning signs, informational signs, notices or markers which are customarily
erected and maintained by public or privately owned utilities, as essential to
their operation.
e. Official Signs
and Notices: Signs and notices erected and maintained by public officers or
public agencies within their territorial or zoning jurisdiction pursuant to and
in accordance with direction or authorization contained in Federal, State, or
local law for the purposes of carrying out an official duty or responsibility.
NOTE: Historic monuments and markers authorized by State
law erected by State or local government agencies or non-profit historical
societies are not considered as being either outdoor advertising signs or
directional or other Specially Authorized signs and notices and are not subject
to control by this Rule.
Other Signs: Signs erected prior to June 15, 1966, and which do not conform to
the size, location and spacing requirements of this Rule and are not otherwise
prohibited in Section 1700.3 are authorized to be maintained as defined in this
g. "Welcome to
(Community/City/County Name)" Encroachment Signs: Specially Authorized signs
erected within communities and unincorporated areas of counties shall be
maintained by public officers or elected county officials while carrying out an
official duty or responsibility. Welcome to (Community/City/County Name) signs
may be erected on or off the right-of-way subject to the provisions set out
belowh. "Acknowledgement" sign: This Specially Authorized sign becomes a part
of "Welcome to (Community/City/County Name)" encroachment sign permit
acknowledging landscaping, maintenance, and appearance improvements at the site
of said city/county permitted sign.
NOTE: Signs erected prior to June 15, 1966 and which do
not conform to the requirements in this Section and are not otherwise
prohibited in this section are authorized to be maintained as defined in this
Authorized directional and other Specially Authorized signs on and/or adjacent
to the highway right-of-way shall adhere to the following standards:
Directional Signs
i. Size: No directional signs shall exceed
the following limits:
A. Maximum height of
face- 20 feet
B. Maximum length of
face- 20 feet
C. Maximum area - 150
square feet - including border and trim
ii. Spacing and location:
A. Each location of a directional sign must
be approved by MDOT. Directional signs may be erected adjacent to the highway
B. No directional
sign may be located within 2000 feet of an interchange, or at grade
C. No directional
sign may be located within 2000 feet of the edge of a welcome center, rest
area, parkland or scenic area.
No two (2) directional signs facing the same direction of travel shall be
spaced less than one (1) mile apart.
E. Not more than three (3) directional signs
pertaining to the same activity and facing the same direction of travel may be
erected along a single route approaching the activity.
F. Signs located adjacent to the Interstate
System shall be within 75 air miles of the activity.
G. Signs located adjacent to the Primary
System shall be within 50 air miles of the activity.
H. Directional signs may be allowed on the
right-of-way. Directional signs located on the right-of-way must be permitted
through the Traffic Engineering Division of MDOT, subject to their
I. All signs not
specifically authorized to be located on the right of way must be located
adjacent to the right of way.
iii. Message Content:
The message on directional signs shall be limited to the
identification of the attraction or activity and directional information useful
to the traveler in locating this attraction, such as mileage, route numbers, or
exit numbers. Descriptive words or phrases and pictorial or photographic
representations of the activity or its environs are prohibited.
Service Signs
i. Size: Not to
exceed thirty (32) square feet in area, including border and trim.
ii. Location: Located only on school bus
shelters as described in Section 1700.1.b of this Rule. No shelters will be
permitted on the right of way of State highways. Not more than one sign on each
shelter may face in any one direction. Public Service Signs will not be allowed
on the MDOT right-of-way. They may be erected adjacent to highway
iii. Message Content:
(1) Identify the donor, sponsor or
contributor of said shelter:
Contain safety slogans or messages which shall occupy not less than sixty (60)
percent of the area of the sign: and
(3) Contain no other message.
Club and Religious Information Signs
i. Size: Not to exceed eight (8) square feet,
including border and trim.
A. Signs conveying information only
may be erected on the premises of the Service Club or Religious
B. Signs conveying
directional information for Service Clubs and Religious Organizations may be
located adjacent to the highway right-of-way in any area not prohibited in
Section 700.5 of this Rule. Signs conveying directional information must be
located within 10 air miles of the premises of the Service Club or Religious
Organization. Each Service Club or Religious Organization shall be limited to
two (2) signs conveying directional information.
C. Signs conveying directional information
for Service Club and Religious Information Organizations may not be located on
the MDOT right-of-way or adjacent to an Interstate or a Freeway.
iii. For signs conveying
information only, several notices may be placed on a single "billboard" type
support; however, the size of each sign shall conform to the requirements of
Section 1700.2.c.i above.
Public Utility
There are no limitations as to size, spacing or location
of these signs.
Official Signs and Notices
There are no limitations as to size and spacing of
Official Signs and Notices. These signs may be located in any area adjacent to
the highway right-of-way not prohibited by Section 700.5 of this Rule.
"Welcome to
(Community/City/County Name)"
Signs located on/or adjacent to the highway right-of-way
are controlled by this rule. The District Engineer or his/her representative
has the responsibility for the implementation of the "Welcome To" and
"Acknowledgement" sign program. Questions of interpretation concerning these
guidelines are to be discussed with the State Maintenance Engineer. Any
deviation from these guidelines must be approved by the Chief Engineer. The
District Engineer or his/her representative shall advise the applicant of the
disposition of their application. It is preferable that "Welcome to
(Community/City/County Name)" Signs be located adjacent to the right of way if
at all possible. Where location adjacent to the right of way is impossible, the
sign may be located on the right of way.
i. Signs located on the right of way shall be
administered and approved by the District Engineer as an encroachment in
conformity with the MUTCD and the following:
A. Size: The size of "Welcome to
(Community/City/County Name)" signs permitted to be erected under this
subsection will be determined by the District Engineer in consideration of the
amount of available right-of-way.
B. "Welcome to (Community/City/County Name)"
signs erected on highway right-of-way shall have the closest edge of said sign
at least fifty (50) feet from the nearest edge of pavement and no closer than
five (5) feet from the right-of-way line except in curb and gutter sections. In
curb and gutter sections with a speed limit of forty-five (45) MPH or less, the
minimum distance may be reduced to ten (10) feet from the outside edge of the
C. "Welcome to
(Community/City/County Name)" encroachment signs proposed on controlled access
highways at uncontrolled exits or side roads will be considered on a
case-by-case basis. Said determination shall be made by the District Engineer.
D. "Welcome to
(Community/City/County Name)" encroachment signs shall be located at a site
where the cutting of trees can be kept to a minimum.
ii. "Welcome to (Community/City/County
Name)"Signs located adjacent to the right of way shall be approved by the State
Maintenance Engineer subject to the following:
A. Size: The size of "Welcome to
(Community/City/County Name)" signs permitted to be erected under this
subsection will be determined by the State Maintenance Engineer on a case by
case basis. However, the maximum size allocated for non-advertising recognition
signs contained within the "Welcome to (Community/City/County Name)" shall be
24 square feet.
B. "Welcome to
(Community/City/County Name)" signs shall be located at a site where the
cutting of trees can be kept to a minimum.
iii. Spacing and Location: Whether they are
located on or off of the right of way, "Welcome to (Community/City/County
Name)" signs shall be located near the city limits or county line as dictated
by terrain and to avoid visual conflict with other signs within the highway
right-of-way. Each Community/City/County shall be limited to one such sign as
close as practically possible at each location where the community/city limit
or county line and the subject highway intersect. For unincorporated areas of a
county, the sign should be as close as practically possible to the established
boundary of the community and is subject to review by the State Maintenance
Engineer and the State Traffic Engineer.
iv. "Welcome to (Community/City/County Name)"
encroachment signs are strictly prohibited on or adjacent to the right-of-way
of Interstates and Freeways effective July 1, 2017 for unincorporated
v. Message Content
regardless of location shall be restricted to "Welcome to
(Community/City/County Name)" or "(Community/City/County Name) Welcomes You"
and an established Community/City/County logo or slogan. No advertisements
and/or other signs/messages shall be included, attached to, or in the proximity
of the proposed sign except an "Acknowledgement" sign or "Recognition" sign.
"Recognition" signs are designations, honors, or certifications bestowed upon
the applicable City or County. "Acknowledgement" or "Recognition" signs shall
conform with content and size provisions described herein and as approved by
the State Maintenance Engineer.
i. Size: "Acknowledgement"
Signs shall be no larger than 24 inches long by 24 inches wide. The top of an
"Acknowledgement" Sign shall be no higher than four (4) feet above the
ii. Spacing and Location:
"Acknowledgement" signs may be located on highway right-of-way and must be
within ten (10) feet of a "Welcome to ( Community/City/County Name)" Sign. One
(1) "Acknowledgment" Sign is allowed for each "Welcome to
(Community/City/County Name)" Sign. The "Acknowledgment" sign shall not block
the view of the "Welcome to (Community/City/County Name)" Sign.
iii. Message Content: The "Acknowledgement"
sign shall have white letters on a blue background. The Message on the sign
shall read "maintained by (Sponsor's Name)" or "Sponsored by (Sponsor's Name)".
No company logo, color, or advertisement of any kind will be allowed.
"Recognition" Signs
i. Size: Each individual "Recognition" Sign
may vary in size; however, all recognition signs shall be located within a
maximum total 24 square foot area.
ii. Spacing and Location: "Recognition" signs
may be located on or within ten (10) feet of a "Welcome to
(Community/City/County Name)" Sign. If located on the "Welcome to
(Community/City/County Name)" Sign, the recognition sign shall follow "Welcome
to (Community/City/County Name)" or "(Community/City/County Name) Welcomes You"
and any Community/City/County logo or slogan. Each'Recognition' sign may vary
in size, but all'Recognition' Signs posted on a 'Welcome To' sign shall be
located within an area not to exceed twenty four (24) square feet and shall be
located below the Welcome to (Community/City/County Name) portion of the sign.
Only one (1) "Recognition" Sign is allowed for each "Welcome to
(Community/City/County Name)" Sign. Any "Recognition" not attached to the
'Welcome to (Community/City/County Name) sign structure shall not block the
view of the "Welcome to (Community/City/County Name)" Sign.
iii. Message Content: "Recognition" signs
shall include nonadvertising Designations, Honors, or Certifications bestowed
upon the applicable City or County. "Recognition" signs shall conform with
content and size provisions described herein and as approved by the State
Maintenance Engineer. No company logo, color(s), or advertisement of any kind
will be allowed.
3. Standards applying to all signs in this
a. Other than Service Club and
Religious Information signs, double faced or "V"-type structures will not be
permitted for signs under this Section.
b. Construction should conform to the
applicable requirements set forth in the current edition of the Outdoor
Advertising Association of America's "Plant Operations Guideline Manual"; to
the applicable local sign companies' specifications; or to the local
governmental unit's (City or County) ordinances, whichever is more
c. Wood shall not be
used for structural purposes in the ground unless pressure treated with
appropriate preservatives.
d. The
backs of all structures not shielded by buildings or otherwise hidden should be
completely painted in a neutral color to camouflage the back of the
e. Methods of construction
and materials used shall not produce a sign which, when viewed from the rear,
presents an unsightly appearance.
f. Lighting: Signs may be illuminated in
adherence to the customary practices of the sign industry in Mississippi
subject to the following:
i. Signs which
contain, include, or are illuminated by any flashing; intermittent or moving
light or lights are prohibited
Signs which are not effectively shielded so as to prevent beams or rays of
light from being directed at any portion of the traveled way of an Federal Aid
Interstate or Federal Aid Primary Highway, or which are of such intensity or
brilliance as to cause glare or to impair the vision of the driver of any motor
vehicle, or which otherwise interfere with any driver's operation of a motor
vehicle are prohibited.
iii. No
sign may be so illuminated as to interfere with the effectiveness of or to
obscure an official traffic sign, device or signal.
iv. All wiring for signs placed on highway
right-of-way shall be underground and in conduit and shall conform to the
National Electric Code.
4. Directional Sign Selection Methods and
Criteria for Privately-Owned Activities and Attractions to be located off the
right of way.
a. Privately owned activities or
activities eligible for directional signing are limited to:
i. Natural Phenomena
ii. Scenic Attractions
iii. Historic Sites
iv. Educational Sites
v. Cultural Sites
vi. Scientific Sites
vii. Religious Sites
viii. Outdoor Recreational
b. To be eligible,
privately owned activities or attractions must be nationally or regionally
known, and of outstanding interest to the traveling public.
c. The owner(s) or any privately owned
activity or attraction listed in Section 1700.4.a who desire to erect
directional signs, must furnish the District Engineer of the district in which
the activity or attraction is located a statement describing the activity or
attraction. The statement should indicate the average number of visitors per
day in summer and winter; state that adequate rest room and parking facilities
are furnished; and show evidence that the activity or attraction is nationally
or regionally known and of outstanding interest to the traveling public. Such
evidence could be an approved listing in the National Register of Historic
Places; a guest register with a listing of the home states of the visitors; or
any other evidence that could establish the fact that the activity is
nationally or regionally known and of outstanding interest to the traveling
d. The District Engineer
shall forward the statements, evidence, etc., to the State Maintenance
Engineer. After verification of the information submitted by the owner, the
State Maintenance Engineer will submit the information to the Commission for
e. If the Commission
determines that the activity or attraction meets the requirements of Sections
1700.4.a and 1700.4.b, the owner(s) may submit an application on Form MND-805,
Application for Permit to Erect Directional or Other Specially Authorized Signs
Adjacent to Mississippi Federal Aid Primary or Interstate Highways, for
erection of directional signs in accordance with the requirements of this
Section. Effective July 1, 2017, signs erected by the Department for the member
institutions of the Mississippi Association of Independent Colleges and
Universities shall be administered by the Traffic Engineering
5. Permits
a. A
permit must be secured from the Department by any person or company before
erecting any sign controlled by this Section with the exception of Public
Utility Signs as defined herein.
i. For all signs under Section
1700.1.a through 1700.1.f.
A. Each person,
company or entity desiring to erect a sign subject to the permitting
requirements of this section shall make application on Form MND-805 listed
above. Upon receipt of said application in proper form and properly executed,
the District Engineer or his/her representative will inspect the proposed
location, check all information required, sign for field inspection and forward
the completed application to the State Maintenance Engineer for
B. If the application is
in order and complies with State statutes and the provisions of this section,
the State Maintenance Engineer or his/her representative will approve
applications for signs to be located off the right of way and shall enter the
permit number on the form. The Traffic Engineering Division has the
responsibility for approving signs to be located on the right-of-way. Copies of
the approved permit will be forwarded to the appropriate District Engineer for
distribution to the applicant and other affected parties.
C. The applicant shall advise the State
Permit Officer in writing, as soon as the sign is erected in order that a final
inspection can be made. For all signs located adjacent to the right-of-way, a
permit marker, showing the permit number, shall be affixed to the sign by the
Permit Officer for the Control of Outdoor Advertising in a prominent location
that can be viewed from the highway. Permit markers will not be issued for
signs located on the highway right-of-way.
ii. For "Welcome to (Community/City/County
Name)" or
"Acknowledgement" signs, defined in Sections 1700.1.g.
and 1700.1.h.
A. All Cities/Counties
making application for a " Welcome to (Community/City/County Name)",
"Acknowledgement", or Recognition sign shall submit Form MND-004, Application
for Permit to Locate Certain Facilities on or to Perform Certain Work on State
Highway Right of Way. Upon receipt of this application, the District Engineer
will make the appropriate inspection and authorize the permit at his
discretion. For all permits for signs under this paragraph to be located on the
right-of-way, the District Engineer will notify the Traffic Engineering
B. A permit for a
recognition sign must be associated with an existing or proposed " Welcome To
(Community/City/County Name) sign. Each organization, individual, business,
and/or industry may make application to install an "Acknowledgement" sign
recognizing their efforts for furnishing and maintaining landscaping and/or
grounds at the "Welcome to (Community/City/County Name)" sign sites that are
permitted on highway right-of-way. Although the application may be completed
and submitted by the applicant, the permit will be granted in the name of the
Community/City/County and will become a part of the "Welcome to
(Community/City/County Name)" sign permit. The Community/City/County is
responsible for approving the sponsor named on the "Acknowledgement" sign and
for change of the sponsor, if necessary.
If anyone has any questions relative this program,
contact the State Maintenance Engineer.
c. General Provisions
i. Each permit issued under this section will
expire twelve (12) months from the date of approval. No extension of this time
will be granted. If the work has not been completed before expiration
application must be made for another permit.
ii. Nothing contained in this Rule shall be
construed to limit in any way the authority or any municipality in which the
sign is to be erected or to waive any requirement of a municipality for a
permit for the erection of such sign.
iii. The denial of the application herein
shall entitle the applicant to an administrative review in accord with Section
1800 in this Rule.
FEES: There are no fees chargeable on permit applications
made under this Section.
6. Maintenance of Signs
a. Signs shall be satisfactorily maintained
and failure to do so shall be sufficient cause for disapproval of subsequent
b. Grounds surrounding the
sign structure should be kept clean and all weeds should be cut regularly.
Whenever practicable, locations should be planted with grass or otherwise
landscaped. There should be a frequent check of condition of the area
surrounding sign structures. Accumulated debris or weeds should be eliminated