7 Miss. Code. R. 3-37.1 - Grants/Subgrants

This MDE Grants/Subgrants Policy applies to the awarding of all grants and subgrants by the MDE. Violation of this policy shall carry such penalties as may be applicable under state and federal laws. The awarding office shall be responsible for compliance with the rules and regulations governing the awarding of such grants and subgrants. The awarding of grant funds shall be governed by all applicable rules and regulations promulgated by the grantor, state and federal regulations, and policies approved by the State Board of Education. Formula grants are awarded to eligible grantees on a non-competitive basis based upon a predetermined formula.

Competitive grants are awarded to eligible grantees based upon a competitive review process. Discretionary grants are awarded to eligible grantees based upon the requirements of the grantor and a competitive process.

Prior to the awarding of any grant, the State Board of Education shall approve the methodology to be utilized in awarding the grants. In addition, any competitive or discretionary grant award resulting in one or more entities receiving an amount of $50,000 or greater shall require Board approval.


7 Miss. Code. R. 3-37.1
Miss. Code Ann. ยง 37-1-3 (Revised 09/2022)
Adopted 12/30/2015 Amended 1/5/2023

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.