Nev. Admin. Code § 445B.489 - Grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of license

The Department may deny the issuance of, suspend or revoke the license of an approved inspector if:

1. The approved inspector fails to establish by satisfactory evidence to the Department that he or she is employed by a test station with an appropriate rating.
2. The approved inspector has knowingly made any false statement or concealed any material fact on his or her application for a license.
3. The approved inspector knowingly submits false, inaccurate or misleading information on evidence of compliance or any other records submitted to the Department.
4. The approved inspector fails to report in writing to the Department every change in his or her place of employment or any termination of his or her employment within 10 days after the date of the change or termination.
5. The approved inspector does not follow the procedures for testing prescribed by the Department.
6. The approved inspector allows evidence of compliance to be completed or issued by a person who is not an approved inspector.
7. The approved inspector allows another person to perform emissions tests by using the identification number assigned to the approved inspector.
8. The approved inspector submits to the Department falsified credentials or certifications of training.
9. The approved inspector makes an inaccurate determination regarding a classification of a motor vehicle.
10. The approved inspector fails to comply with any provision of NAC 445B.400 to 445B.735, inclusive.
11. The Department determines that an applicant or approved inspector is not lawfully entitled to a license.
12. The approved inspector is convicted for violating the provisions of chapter 598 of NRS relating to deceptive trade practices.
13. The approved inspector is unable to demonstrate proficiency in the verbal and written expression of the English language.


Nev. Admin. Code § 445B.489
Dep't of Motor Veh., Engine Emission Control Reg. §§ 4.13.1-, eff. 1-10-78; A 12-20-79; §§, eff. 12-20-79-NAC A by Environmental Comm'n & Dep't of Motor Veh. & Pub. Safety, 11-19-85, eff. 1-1-86; 11-23-87, eff. 1-1-88; A by Dep't of Motor Veh. & Pub. Safety, 12-28-89; 8-19-94; 9-13-95; A by Environmental Comm'n by R205-97, 3-5-98; A by Dep't of Motor Veh. & Pub. Safety by R079-98, 9-25-98; A by Dep't of Motor Veh. by R199-01, 7-17-2003; R066-05, 2-23-2006

NRS 445B.210, 445B.770, 445B.785, 445B.790

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