Nev. Admin. Code § 459.325 - Limits on occupational doses for adults
1. Except as
otherwise provided in subsection 5, a licensee or registrant shall control
occupational doses, except for planned special exposures, to ensure that no
adult receives annually occupational doses in excess of the following limits:
(a) The lesser of:
(1) A total effective dose equivalent of 5
rems (50 millisieverts); or
(2) The
sum of the deep-dose equivalent and the committed dose equivalent to any
individual organ or tissue, other than the lens of the eye, of 50 rems (500
(b) A
lens dose equivalent of 15 rems (150 millisieverts); and
(c) A shallow-dose equivalent to the skin of
the whole body or the skin of any extremity of 50 rems (500
Occupational doses received in excess of the annual limits specified in
subsection 1, including doses received during accidents, emergencies and
planned special exposures, must be subtracted from the limits for planned
special exposures that a person may receive during a current year and during
his or her lifetime.
3. When the
external exposure is determined by a measurement with an external personal
monitoring device, the deep-dose equivalent must be used in lieu of the
effective dose equivalent, unless the effective dose equivalent is determined
by a dosimetry method approved by the Division. The assigned deep-dose
equivalent must be for the portion of the body receiving the highest exposure.
The assigned shallow-dose equivalent must be the dose averaged over the
contiguous 10 square centimeters of skin receiving the highest exposure. The
deep-dose equivalent, lens dose equivalent and shallow-dose equivalent may be
assessed from surveys or other radiation measurements for the purpose of
demonstrating compliance with the limits for occupational doses, if the
personnel monitoring equipment was not in the region of highest potential
exposure, or the results of personnel monitoring are unavailable.
4. The derived air concentration and annual
limit on intake values that are set forth in table I of appendix B may be used
to determine the occupational dose of a person and to demonstrate compliance
with the limits for occupational doses.
5. Notwithstanding the annual limits, a
licensee shall limit a person's intake of soluble uranium to 10 milligrams in 1
6. The licensee or registrant
shall reduce the occupational dose that a person is allowed to receive in a
current year by the amount of the occupational dose that person received during
the year while employed by another person.
NRS 459.030, 459.201
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.