Chapter 480 - Security of Information Systems
- § 480.100 - Definitions
- § 480.110 - "Certification" defined
- § 480.115 - "Cybersecurity incident response plan" defined
- § 480.120 - "Data breach" defined
- § 480.125 - "Detect" defined
- § 480.130 - "Distributed denial of service" defined
- § 480.135 - "Incident" defined
- § 480.140 - "Incident response" defined
- § 480.145 - "Information system" defined
- § 480.150 - "Office" defined
- § 480.155 - "Political subdivision" defined
- § 480.160 - "Protected information" defined
- § 480.165 - "Ransomware" defined.
- § 480.170 - "Sensitive information" defined.
- § 480.175 - "Threat" and "cybersecurity threat" defined
- § 480.200 - Cybersecurity incident response plan: Contents and requirements
- § 480.205 - Cybersecurity incident response plan: Political subdivision authorized to include certain internal groups into plan
- § 480.210 - Cybersecurity incident response plan: Effective upon certification.
- § 480.215 - Cybersecurity incident response plan: Administrative or nonsubstantive change does not require filing of revised plan
- § 480.230 - Political subdivision required to document actions taken to mitigate or recover from incident
- § 480.235 - Political subdivision required to report significant information learned from incident; use of information
- § 480.240 - Political subdivision required to report certain types of cybersecurity incidents; contents of report
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.